Old Express Tool

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steve Wojtynek, Jul 23, 2003.

  1. I really liked using the first version of LAYTRANS that used .LXT files to
    save and launch layer translations. I was able to build Rosetta Stone files
    that the firm could use to clean up old layer names at the touch of a
    button. The button launched a simple command line script that used
    the -LAYTRANS option it had. I was able to keep using the old version in
    Acad2002 by renaming the ARX and DLL files to TRANSLAY. I kept it in the
    Startup Suite and got the old version instead of the cumbersome new one.

    Alas! They've done it to me again! ARX format changed in Acad2004, and my
    old friend it dead... unless someone out there can tell me how to recompile
    it to the new format. Any takers?
    Steve Wojtynek, Jul 23, 2003
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