I have a dilemma, my company has been using a really bad revision block through out all of our drawings, basically, the attributes have the same tag, same prompt and same default. So for me to write a lisp that automatically fills in the revision description and signs it, is almost impossible, since i can't find a way to check each rev in order. So what my plan is, to get rid of the old rev-block, and insert the new with different tags, and the second part will be to insert the new information. Now that i confused all fo you, i thought of doing something like this: Burst the old block copy all the information that is found at the insertion points of the bursted block. insert the new block, and paste the information in that order. Before i get going on it, does anyone know of a simpler way? I will be dealing with a large number of drawings so something that is simple for a regular user will also have to be considered. Thanks for all your help, Viktor