OK, someone knows this...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bruce Sheldon, May 10, 2004.

  1. There are some flags set at in a certain variable that can be query'd to
    determine what layers a frozen in the current viewport. I cannot for the
    life of me remember where they are, but it seems there were some unused
    flags in order versions of AutoCAD that got "recruited" for the job,
    possibly in the layers table. Can someone please enlighten me?

    Bruce L. Sheldon
    Bruce Sheldon, May 10, 2004
  2. I'll look into this method, but I distinctly remember there are some
    assigned bits that are being set and cleared. One should only need to
    perform a boolean operation to retrieve the info.
    Bruce Sheldon, May 10, 2004
  3. Eh? Boolean?

    Are we talking about layers that are frozen in viewports
    via vplayer (or "Current VP Freeze" in the layer dialog)?

    Perhaps it's been too long a day for me, but I don't see
    how "assigned bits" would work.

    In a given viewport there must be a reference to some
    property that identifies each layer that is frozen, be
    it the layer's name, handle, entity name, objectid -
    something, but mere bits? I invite the education but the
    3 brain cells I have that are still holding hands cannot
    see how bit twiddling could achieve this.

    Turning it around just for completeness of discussion,
    magic bits in the layer data would not work for the
    reasons noted above, only you'd have to have the means
    to identify the viewports the layer was frozen in -
    handle, entity name, objectid ...

    The only thing I can think that you are possibly referring
    to is the dxf data for a given layer. The "Layer is frozen
    by default" state is coded in the 70 group (value 2), but
    that is no guarantee that it is actually frozen in a given
    viewport, so I'm stumped.

    Can you please tell me what I'm missing?

    Thank you,

    michael puckett, May 11, 2004
  4. Sure wish I would have saved this procedure way back when. It's nothing
    short of incredible that this is so obscure! It's so simple to get the
    "global" layer settings and do whatever one wishes, but obtaining the
    vplayer settings seems impossible. Where are all the brains in this forum?
    Obviously I can't make the claim!
    Bruce Sheldon, May 11, 2004
  5. Michael *is* one of the brains.

    R. Robert Bell

    Sure wish I would have saved this procedure way back when. It's nothing
    short of incredible that this is so obscure! It's so simple to get the
    "global" layer settings and do whatever one wishes, but obtaining the
    vplayer settings seems impossible. Where are all the brains in this forum?
    Obviously I can't make the claim!
    R. Robert Bell, May 11, 2004
  6. Bruce Sheldon

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Umm, Michael gave you the answer. There is no 'magic' place where they hide
    together. Each Viewport entity's Xdata holds the names of the layers that
    are frozen within it. What is bothersome, though, is that in <2004 the
    actual layer <ename> 's were stored with the DXF code 341. With 2004+ they
    are in DXF code 331......

    So, with some guidance by Doug Broad, I now access the layers strictly
    through the Xdata.

    What is it you'd like to see/do, as far as the VPlayers go?

    Jeff Mishler, May 11, 2004
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