OK and Cancel buttons callback

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Hon Seng Phuah, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. I tried to find this newsgroup and Cadence reference softcopy
    reference books but I could not find examples dealing with OK and
    Cancel callback on a form.

    May someone give a simple example how I can detect a user clicks OK or
    Cancel button on a form?

    -HS Phuah
    Hon Seng Phuah, Jun 11, 2004
  2. When you call hiCreateAppForm(), you can pass the ?callback argument.
    If you supply just a single symbol or string, that's the callback for the OK
    only. If you supply a list, then the first entry is the OK callback, and the
    second is the cancel callback. This is in the documentation (at least
    I think it is - I've not checked).

    So something like:

    ?callback list('MYokCallback 'MYcancelCallback)

    where each function is written to accept a single argument - the formId.

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 11, 2004
  3. procedure( BFdisplayFeedbackForm( )

    unless( boundp( 'GBfeedbackForm ) && hiIsFormDisplayed( GBfeedbackForm )
    BFcreateFeedbackForm( )
    ) ;; close unless

    hiDisplayForm( GBfeedbackForm )

    ) ;; close procedure BFdisplayFeedbackForm

    procedure( BFcreateFeedbackForm( )
    let( ( r_labelField )

    r_labelField = hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'r_labelField
    ?labelText "This is a feedbak box"

    ?name 'GBfeedbackForm
    ?formTitle "Feedback Form"
    ?fields list( r_labelField )
    ?callback '(
    "printf( \"You hit OK!\n\" )"
    "printf( \"You hit Cancel!\n\" )"

    ) ;; close let

    ) ;; close procedure BFcreateFeedbackForm

    See also 'Cadence User Interface SKILL Functions Reference'

    Bernd Fischer, Jun 11, 2004
  4. Hon Seng Phuah

    Jim Newton Guest

    hi bernd, you don't really have to worry so much about backslashing all
    your strings like this... you can take advantage of th %L function
    feature of printf.
    ?callback (list (sprintf nil "%L" '(printf "You hit OK!n"))
    (sprintf nil "%L" '(printf "You hit Cancel!n") ))

    obviously you can write a SKILL function to make this easier to use

    (defun encap_string ( l_list)
    (sprintf nil "%L" l_list))

    ?callback (list (encap_string '(printf "You hit OK!\n"))
    (encap_string '(printf "You hit Cancel!\n")))
    Jim Newton, Jun 11, 2004
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