I'm trying to make some extruded parts based on the parting line profile of a casting. A lot of the entities created are splines and I need to offset by .003 or so to make a continuous loop profile for extruded solids or cuts. It seems like swx has a fair amount of trouble with spline entities as far as geometry errors, etc that require tweaking of the sketch in order to get an extrude to work. When offsets of the sketch are involved, the amount of problems seems to increase exponentially, both with creating the offset and on errors doing the extrudes with the sketch profile. I think spline offsets are fairly new and I was wondering how this was done before this sketch tool was available? It seems like most processes that should take 30 seconds end up being a 2 or 3 hour nightmare fighting geometry errors, zero thickness errors, etc, etc, etc. I tried skipping the offset in the sketch and cutting down the extrusion with Offset Surface, but that process did nothing but throw errors and waste time as well. I'm hoping there is a better way. Any ideas? Thanks, Bill