Offset Ref Plane @Pt needs...???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Guest, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have a curly pipe that starts from the origin and winds around to be
    completely removed from the original reference planes.

    Now I need to offset one original refernce plane to intersect a point
    on the end of my pipe. This should be cakewalk, but I enter the
    Insert-->Ref Geo-->Plane command, and select the typ of plane, and then
    my plane (Top) and the point. They both show up in the items selected
    window. I do an OK and SWx gripes that I need both a plane and a point
    selected to continue.

    Am I missing something, or is an otherwise nominally functioning
    installation (I reinstalled SWx yesterday, just to be sure) completely
    whacked out?
    Guest, Mar 4, 2005
  2. Guest

    P. Guest

    My guess is that the point isn't valid. Try creating a 3D point
    coincident with the point you think you have and try again.
    P., Mar 4, 2005
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well,....fiddlesticks! A point is a one-dimensional object in space.
    I can only describe my point creation method as the obvious one
    available, so I gotta ask:

    either, What is the difference between a reference geometry point and a
    "3-D point"?

    or, How can a point be created such that it is not a 3-D point?

    (both versions are the same Q, maybe?)
    Guest, Mar 5, 2005
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Okay, now I see the difference between a reference geometry point and a
    "3-D point" -- the "3-D point has everything the sketch point has,
    which is very little, and much more.

    That is, the sketch point is useless except for simple prismatics and
    the initial stages of a part where sketches always start on the
    built-in UCS.
    So it looks like nothing human-form-fitting can be made without
    extensive 3-D Sketching. Are there any serious restrictions to using
    the 3-D sketch mode? (Can it screw up mass or other solids definition
    data that might be needed for Cosmos, or maybe references or parametric
    relationships needed for manufacturing....)
    Guest, Mar 5, 2005
  5. Guest

    That70sTick Guest

    I've seen similar problems when making spring heix models...

    The bug I encountered was that once a helix was used for a sweep, the
    helix endpoints were not available for further references (like datum
    planes and sketch reference).

    The solution to this was not to use the helix for the sweep. Instead,
    I copy the helix in a 3D sketch using "Convert Entities" and use the 2D
    sketch for the sweep. The 3D sketch points remain available for future
    feature references.

    If you are using a composite curve for your pipe, you might have a
    similar issue.
    That70sTick, Mar 5, 2005

  6. I've never seen any such problems with 3-D sketches. My only problems with
    them have been the clumsy user interface and dimensioning difficulties. I
    think some of that is supposed to be fixed in SW05.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Mar 6, 2005
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