offset a profile in sketcher?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by jjW, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. jjW

    jjW Guest

    I have an extruded shape & it needs to be larger .015" all around. I
    want to offset all of the the line & arc segments in the sketch by
    015". The offset tab in grayed out when i try & modify the sketch. How
    can i do this? I was able to create a new extruded feature by offsetting
    the previous sketch & then extrude it, but i want to just have 1 sketch.
    What am i doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any help or info.
    jjW, Jun 1, 2006
  2. jjW

    peterbrown77 Guest

    You can't really do it in Sketcher. Since Sketch>Edge>Offset is greyed
    out, your Sketch is apparently your first feature.

    You could create a first sketch, and then another sketch and do a
    Sketch>Edge>Use and a Sketch>Edge>Offset, but you still have two
    sketches although one of them has both profiles in it.

    peterbrown77, Jun 4, 2006
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