Off the subject

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    mbiasotti, Oct 18, 2006
  2. mbiasotti

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. can't toast any bread in his house. new toaster. old toaster.
    it doesn't matter. the toast won't stay down long enough to toast (if
    you can even get it to go down in the first place!).
    bob z. has tried to move the toasters to different receptacles
    throughout the house with the thought that maybe an outlet wasn't
    delivering the full voltage. (most outlets in bob z.'s house check at
    about 115-120 volts).

    so, what is the deal? lack of amperage? wattage? too many ohms? too
    much humidity? barometric pressure?

    it is really quite frustrating because bob z. loves toast with warm
    melted peanut butter... mmm, mmm, mmm!

    bob z.
    bob zee, Oct 18, 2006
  3. mbiasotti

    John Layne Guest


    Could you please supply your postal address?

    I have coffee roaster sitting on a shelf that needs repair, I have replaced
    it with a new one but it would be nice to have the old one repaired (I'd
    hate to be out of freshly roasted coffee). The old one has been sitting
    there for about a year or so, as I can't get a replacement heating element.

    If you have some spare time to look into this matter for me it would be
    greatly appreciated. This would also get my partner, Diana, off my back she
    thinks I should just throw it away - what a waste that would be, after all,
    it's still shining like new.

    I assume that any work you would carry out repairing said device would be
    covered by my SolidWorks subscription fees?


    John Layne

    P.S. once it's repaired I'd be happy to make you an excellent cup of coffee
    John Layne, Oct 18, 2006
  4. mbiasotti

    Diego Guest

    Mark, for the Blind Torx drivers, do you suggest the metric or standard

    Diego, Oct 18, 2006
  5. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest


    SWO Professional or SWO Premium Subcription support?

    mbiasotti, Oct 19, 2006
  6. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Not sure Diego?

    All I know is the one that I have is made by Eklink USA model no. 25570
    and has a set with the following sizes: T10 T15 T25 T27 T30 T40. I've
    never come across any Blind Torx that I could get to with the above

    Page 2698 of McMaster-Carr - Tamper Resistant Torx - item 55515A22

    mbiasotti, Oct 19, 2006
  7. mbiasotti

    John Layne Guest


    SWO Professional, I'd like Premium for that scanner thingy but can't justify
    the upgrade costs and besides I'm not bright enough to drive Cosmos.

    I am sure when I glanced at the EULA a few years ago (just before rabidly
    hitting the accept / install button) it did mention warranty of small
    whiteware goods was included. Think it's in section 1,245 sub section 142a
    sub sub section 42/232a7a., just below the bit where it say I agree to the
    tattoo saying "I hate AutoCad".

    A great place to stop by and geat a great cup of coffee.
    John Layne, Oct 19, 2006
  8. mbiasotti

    matt Guest

    John Layne wrote:


    That's really funny. We need to lighten up more in here. I want more of

    matt, Oct 19, 2006
  9. mbiasotti

    Diego Guest

    umm, just kidding Mark
    Diego, Oct 19, 2006
  10. mbiasotti

    John Layne Guest


    Humour, bad spelling, appalling grammar and occasional flashes of design
    brilliance are fuelled by caffeine.

    The other day it took me half an hour to figure out that "of" is not spelled
    "ov" I just wouldn't believe the spell checker. (Sad but true story)

    John Layne
    John Layne, Oct 19, 2006
  11. mbiasotti

    Twit Guest

    Don't worry , that's quite normal after a few years of CAD'n'caffeine.
    Twit, Oct 19, 2006
  12. mbiasotti

    John Layne Guest

    John Layne, Oct 20, 2006
  13. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Oct 20, 2006
  14. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    I may have more bits of protective software running ... <G>.
    IIRC Processguard in this case .
    Cliff, Oct 20, 2006
  15. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Same cartoon; no warnings.
    Cliff, Oct 20, 2006
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