Odd problem with SW2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jim Sculley, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. Jim Sculley

    Jim Sculley Guest

    We have three machines running SW2004 Sp 1.0. One machine has a very
    stange problem. It has been repeatable on several different parts, but
    only on one machine. Essentially, any center marks placed on a view are
    misplaced at the geometric center of the bounding box of the part. As
    an example, imagine a simple circular extrusion 3" long. Next, we drill
    two holes in the extrusion, one inch from each end. So, the part looks
    something like this:
    | |
    | * * |

    Now, if a drawing is created with the above view, and you attempt to
    place a centerline on either hole, you get something like this:

    | |
    | * + * |

    Laoding the same drawing on the other two machines does not exhibit this
    behavior, although while loading the part, the centemark does appear in
    the wrong location for a brief instant before the screen does its final
    refresh as the drawing is fully loaded.

    I suspect a reinstall is in order, but I'd like to find out if

    a) has anyone else seen this
    b) was a reinstall the correct course of action
    c) if b) was not the correct course of action, what is

    VAR has been no help (as usual).

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Dec 12, 2003
  2. Jim Sculley

    MM Guest


    Same problem with 2003. According to the release notes, it was fixed in
    SP5.1 (just released)


    MM, Dec 12, 2003
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