Odd Problem in Schematic Editor

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by mxkdirs, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. mxkdirs

    mxkdirs Guest

    Hello people,

    I've been asking many questions but I'm trying to move to Cadence and
    I'm quite new to it. The problem I'm having is that when I select
    something on the schematic it won't deselect automatically when I need
    to do something else, like select another component. How do I take
    care of this problem.

    Also, when I do Outputs-->to be saved-->on the schematic everything
    goes properly except that I have trouble with selecting more than one
    current terminal at once because I think of the select/deselect
    problem. So what I've to do is select one terminal to be saved, exit
    the command, activate the command again and select the next terminal.
    Even doing this hard way of selecting terminals for some reason when I
    run the simulation and then do Results-->Main Form to plot a current
    for a terminal, it says that it's not a kept output when it clearly
    shows in analog environment that that terminal is saved as an output.
    Any suggestions?? I think all this problem is related to
    select/deselect thing. Or I at least hope so. Thanks

    mxkdirs, Feb 25, 2006
  2. Are you by any chance using an IBM PDK? They have some unusual bindkeys defined
    which make the selection cumulative, rather than the Cadence default which is to
    make the selection be replaced when you just click on something else.

    If I'm using one of these PDKs, I tend not to use the bindkeys that come with it
    - although I think they have two sets - one which are the "AMS" bindkeys, and
    one which are the "CDS" bindkeys (more conventional).

    They do have control-D defined to deselect everything.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 26, 2006
  3. mxkdirs

    mxkdirs Guest

    Yes, yes, yes!! I'm using the latest IBM BiCMOS process. It only
    happens with IBM_PDK. I'm relatively new to Cadence. How do I go
    about changing the Bindkeys. I've been using shift-D to deselect and
    that's ok but as I mentioned I think because of this bindkey issue I
    can't select terminal nodes for Main Form to plot currents even though
    those notes are selected as saved outputs and this giving me big
    headache because I can't analyze a lot of things in my circuit. It
    says 'this is not a kept output' even though it's saved as an output.
    Please provide advice as to how to go about changing from AMS to CDS or
    just change this select thing so it doesn't happen again. Thanks a lot
    for your help.

    mxkdirs, Feb 26, 2006
  4. My guess is that you have the bindkeys loaded from your .cdsinit file, something

    load(strcat( AMSPath "kitname/V1.2.3.4/cdslib/Skill/bindkeyAMS.il"))

    You might just want to comment this out - there's also an alternative set called
    bindkeyCDS.il in the same dir in the kits I've looked in - but I've not really
    played with this.

    The best bet is to consult the PDK documentation, or if that fails, contact IBM.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 27, 2006
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