Ocean vs CDE convergence

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ttnh, Sep 4, 2003.

  1. ttnh

    ttnh Guest

    I have a simple DC analysis temperature sweep. When I run it from the
    Affirma Cirucit Design Enviroment GUI it runs fine. I then click
    Session->SaveScript to filename ./oceanScript. Followed by typing: Load
    "oceanScript.ocn" on the command line of the CIW. The ocean script started
    simulation will not converge. Why are do they converge differently? What can
    I do to fix it?

    ttnh, Sep 4, 2003
  2. ttnh

    Erik Wanta Guest

    Are you setting options in Simulation->Options->Analog? Are all these
    options getting printed to the ocean script? You may need to generate
    the ocean script with the fullKey option asiWriteOceanScript(outPort
    asi_session ?fullKey t).

    Enter the following in the CIW:
    option asiWriteOceanScript(outPort asiGetCurrentSession() ?fullKey t)
    Erik Wanta, Sep 4, 2003
  3. You can also get the menu which saves the OCEAN script to include
    the defaults if you set this cdsenv var:

    asimenv.misc saveDefaultsToOCEAN boolean t

    Or from SKILL:

    envSetVal("asimenv.misc" "saveDefaultsToOCEAN" 'boolean t)


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 4, 2003
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