ocean: reset analysis() values

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by danmc, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. danmc

    danmc Guest

    It appears that when you use something like the following in ocean:

    analysis('tran ?stop 1n)

    it is saying "set the stop time in transient analysis to 1n but don't
    change any other transient parameters". In other words:

    analysis('tran ?start 1n ?stop 10n)

    analysis('tran ?stop 5n)

    will run the 2nd transient from 1ns to 5ns. So is there a way to
    restore all of the parameters to their defults so you could do
    something like

    analysis('tran ?start 1n ?stop 10n)

    reset('tran) ;; restore all the simulation parameters to the defaults
    analysis('tran ?stop 5n)

    danmc, Jun 6, 2006
  2. The delete() function can be used for this:

    delete('analysis 'tran)

    It doesn't reset, but then when you add another transient analysis, it
    will start from default values.

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 7, 2006
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