OCEAN and manipulating a waveform

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Thomas Popp, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. Thomas Popp

    Thomas Popp Guest


    I have a waveform and want to set all y-values of the waveform which are
    negative to 0.

    Any hints on how I can accomplish this task easily with OCEAN?

    Thanks for any help!

    -Thomas Popp
    Thomas Popp, Sep 16, 2003
  2. If the waveform is in a variable a, a simple way is to do:


    To get the positive parts set to 0, it would be:


    Simpler than messing around with all the points, but it doesn't interpolate at
    zero crossings, so it may not be exactly what you want...

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 16, 2003
  3. Thomas Popp

    Thomas Popp Guest

    That worked perfectly, thanks a lot!

    Thomas Popp, Sep 23, 2003
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