OCE Reprodesk and PDFs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Donald.Broussard, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. Why is it that OCE Reprodesk still produces terrible looking PDF plots?

    I have a 400 dpi PDF that I send through Reprodesk to a 9800 and the
    plot looks terrible. I send the same plot to a designjet plotter and
    it is beautiful.

    Can I setup my 9800 to be Windows printer? Then I can throw away the
    Reprodesk piece of !@#$%
    Donald.Broussard, Jul 25, 2006
  2. Donald.Broussard

    FF Guest


    A few things to check before giving a reply:

    - are you using Acrobat to open the files and print them using a
    Windows driver? If so, which Windows driver?

    - or are you using a PostScript/PDF converter with Océ Repro Desk,
    and if so, which one are you using to process the PDF prints, and which
    version? (Ghostscript, Océ's Adobe PostScript/PDF converter, etc.)

    - which version of Océ Repro Desk are you using?

    - are you converting on the Repro Desk server PC, or are you converting
    at a client PC? If on the client, are you using Océ Repro Desk Remote
    or Océ Client Tools (and which version)

    You can set up a Windows driver to print right to the Océ Repro Desk
    system by downloading the Océ Client Tools application, which includes
    an Océ LDF Windows driver for Repro Desk.
    FF, Aug 8, 2006
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