oce plotters

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jacob slimp, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. jacob slimp

    jacob slimp Guest

    when we plot it doesnt plot with the window we selected it shifts the drawings to the edge of the paper oce 9300 and oce 9400 hdi 8 drivers
    jacob slimp, Jan 31, 2005
  2. Seems to be typical for Oce. What I do here is draw a box the size of
    the paper in color 255 (set to 0% screening and 0.00mm width)so I can
    see the size, then put tick marks in the upper left and lower right
    corners, also in color 255, at 0.04" inside the paper frame. The
    plotter is set for a 0.03" border.

    You'd think that as much as an Oce costs the drivers would be able to
    plot WYSIWYG from the AutoCad preview window, but I haven't found a way
    to do so without tick marks within the "printed area".

    Martin Shoemaker, Feb 1, 2005
  3. jacob slimp

    jacob slimp Guest

    does the tick marks print out on the sheets?
    jacob slimp, Feb 1, 2005
  4. They don't print on the TDS400 in my office. I have noticed that the
    tick marks do print at as a very light gray the local plotting service
    if I send them a DesignJet 650c .PLT file of the same drawing. If you
    make the tick mark very small it shouldn't be very noticeable in any case.

    Martin Shoemaker, Feb 2, 2005
  5. jacob slimp

    Tim Guest

    From what I have been able to figure out with the OCE is that unlike HP
    which will see an object on an unplottable layer the OCE will not. Thus it
    will go to the first thing it does see, namely the border itself.
    I put plotting corners set for the paper size and it does all right.

    Tim W.
    Tim, Feb 2, 2005
  6. jacob slimp

    jacob slimp Guest

    thank you it works alot better than what i was originally having to do
    jacob slimp, Feb 2, 2005
  7. jacob slimp

    jacob slimp Guest

    jacob slimp, Feb 2, 2005
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