Oce 9400 on Windows 2003

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by thurlob, May 14, 2004.

  1. thurlob

    thurlob Guest

    I was wondering if anyone had been able to get an Oce 9400 to plot correctly with a pc3 pointing to a queue on a Windows 2003 server.
    Here is what I've gotten the best results with but they still aren't exactly right...

    I create a queue on the server using the built in Oce 9400 raster driver that comes with Windows 2003.
    I then create a pc3 file that uses the CAD 2002 HDI file for the oce (I've also tried the HP 650).
    I set up a paper size of 24x36 which is one we use frequently. With .25 inch margins on all sizes (a requirement we must have).

    What happens-
    The drawing plots fine on the left, top and right margins. But the bottom margin is cut in half, so instead of .25 it is half of that. It is almost more of a cutting issue.

    I've tried several different things...I'm wondering if we're going to have to keep the oces on a NT 4.0 box forever.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    thurlob, May 14, 2004
  2. thurlob

    con-crete Guest

    You've probably checked this allready but are you sure the paper size u actually use is the same as stated in your configuration. And i mean, ckeck the inches, not the title of the papersize (like A0).
    con-crete, May 14, 2004
  3. thurlob

    thurlob Guest

    This is a custom paper size I made. 24x36 with .25 inch margins all around. So when you plot, it says a printable area of 23.5 x 35.5.
    thurlob, May 14, 2004
  4. thurlob

    DFrank Guest

    Try redefining the paper size to 0" margins and control the 1/2" margin you
    require in the drawing file. When you plot, configure AutoCAD to center the
    plot on the paper.

    correctly with a pc3 pointing to a queue on a Windows 2003 server.
    inch margins on all sizes (a requirement we must have).
    margin is cut in half, so instead of .25 it is half of that. It is almost
    more of a cutting issue.
    to keep the oces on a NT 4.0 box forever.
    DFrank, May 17, 2004
  5. thurlob

    thurlob Guest

    I"ve tried that and it still doesn't plot the bottom margin correctly. It's still a little off.
    And now I've tried using the same settings/drivers with our other 2 oce 9400 in the office and they're even worse. One prints the margins all wrong (instead of just the bottom) and the other one gives the drawings a 2-3 inch margin all around. This is very strange, you would think if they're all the same type of plotter they could all use the same driver/settings correctly.
    thurlob, May 17, 2004
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