ObjectDCL (command)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kemp, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. kemp

    kemp Guest

    I am trying out this ObjectDCL program, and when I create a lisp that is
    fired by a button on a modeless form it freezes at (command). All other lisp
    functions seem to function properly.

    Could this be a limitation of the evaluation version or is there some other
    method of running a command like:
    (command "-insert" "block" pause "" "" "")
    or do I just have to work around command?

    kemp, Jan 21, 2004
  2. kemp

    Devin Guest

    Try hiding the dialog before executing and then re-openning it afterwards.
    I don't have alot of experience with modeless dialogs but I do with model.
    I don't have any "commands" run from any reactor functions in my dialogs.
    This may be a limitation in the object dcl itself. Never the less, you
    should call Chad Wanless at 3rd day software (780) 827-5577 for a
    workaround. He's the one that made object dcl and he's real on the ball.
    It's a great program isn't it!

    P.S. you could try the object dcl forum, but there's only a few people there
    last time I checked.

    Devin, Jan 21, 2004
  3. kemp

    kemp Guest

    Thanks Devin.

    I will try your suggestions. This program looks like it will be pretty cool
    once I learn it well enough. Didnt even realize there was a forum for this

    kemp, Jan 21, 2004
  4. kemp

    Devin Guest

    It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it and it's REAL powerfull! I'm
    actually suprised AutoDESK hasn't bought it yet.

    Good Luck,

    Devin, Jan 21, 2004
  5. kemp,
    One thing you may check is...
    Make sure the EventInvoke property of the control is set to "1 - Allow
    (Command...)" and not "0 - Keep Focus".
    Joel Roderick, Jan 21, 2004
  6. kemp

    kemp Guest

    Joel - That was it!
    Now my routine works perfectly and I guess I'm finally convinced, I'll
    have to part with the $ for the program now...:)

    Thanks a bunch!
    kemp, Jan 21, 2004
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