objectdbx and redefine block

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mark, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. mark

    mark Guest

    a follow up from last week..."objectdbx and copyblock"

    works perfect, the way TT described, i am actually able
    to redefine blocks from a drawing containing the new definition
    (without pulling it into the drawing editor), to any drawing,
    be it current, active but not current (mdi=0) or just existing
    on the system, as long as it is not R/O.

    the only detail i am not able to figure out is to delete the
    block definition not being used anymore (purge it)
    (vla-delete blockobject) is working fine only if the
    drawing being processed is the current, or loaded
    into the same drawing editor (mdi=0), of course i am
    able to purge after i pull the drawing into a drawing editor,
    but i would like to do it using objectdbx

    mark, Apr 19, 2004
  2. I would venture to guess that (vla-delete) requires
    AutoCAD to scan for references to the block, and that
    may be an operation that's dependent on the drawing
    editor, or that the drawing's database be the 'current
    working database'.

    If that's the case, then the only possible way to do
    this, if any, would be by making the AxDbDocument the
    current working database, which can't be done using
    LISP, VBA or ActiveX.

    My AcadX library does allow you to do this.
    Tony Tanzillo, Apr 20, 2004
  3. mark

    mark Guest

    then, i will have to include in my s::startup
    a block puging mechanism...
    i will live with it for now.
    mark, Apr 20, 2004
  4. mark

    John Uhden Guest

    I have successfully "purged" (vla-deleted) objects from a drawing opened via
    ObjectDbx. What symptoms are you experiencing that indicate things aren't
    John Uhden, Apr 21, 2004
  5. mark

    Joe Burke Guest


    I'd appreciate any code examples you or others might be willing to share regarding
    changes made to a file opened with ObjectDBX. For instance, something as simple(?) as
    delete an object and save the change back to the source file. I've Google searched,
    but didn't come up with much.

    If I understand Mark's first message, it sounds like what I found after some
    half-baked fooling around. Source file contains an unreferenced block definition. I
    can vla-delete (purge) the block def when source file is contained in the documents
    collection. It's open, but not active. If I open the same source file with DBX, the
    block def remains after trying to delete it. No error message as I recall. It just
    doesn't work given similar delete code.

    I'm sure there's much I don't understand here. My sense is getting data from a DBX
    file is a fairly straightforward operation. But changing the DBX file in some way,
    and saving the changes, requires some other level of understanding.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 21, 2004
  6. mark

    Joe Burke Guest


    Thanks for the code. I hope to have time to study it tomorrow.

    One thing which might be of interest, not tested. While Google searching the topic, I
    ran across a message from R. Robert (as I recall) which said in effect, you shouldn't
    use vla-xxx functions when dealing with ObjectDBX files. IOW, this might work:
    (vlax-invoke vobj 'Delete) but this (vla-delete vobj) might not. Of course if that's
    true, you'd probably need to revise other parts of your code likewise.

    A shot in the dark at this point...

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 21, 2004
  7. The following is an excerpt (c/w original spelling mistakes
    et al. from a message I posted on Tuesday, December 09, 2003
    03:02 PM in a thread titled:

    "visual lisp symbols and constants - where 'splained?"

    started by David Kozina.

    I wouldn't quote it but it would not come up in a google
    search for some reason.

    This is only my opinion and based on my experience, as limited
    as that may be. I encourage you to confirm through your own
    testing whether these assertion are true and to what degree
    (pretty much goes for anything I post really). Still, you
    may find it interesting given your post and why I offer it.
    There's a lot of info in said thread btw.

    Anyway ... <quote>
    While not exhaustively proven, I have determined to my own
    satisfaction that ...
    1) Using vlax-invoke-method, vlax-get-property etc. are
    o  less prone to unexplained errors,
    o  generally speaking, perform faster
    than equivalent vla-* functions ( though the benefit may
    only realized when performing MANY function calls like
    inside a while loop ).
    2) and, using
    <<< and equivalent get / put code for properties >>>
    Generally performs faster than
    '(lambda ()
    Even though the latter is prettier.
    I found this out when batch processing via dbx. I was
    able to elimiate 99% of the errors that used to pop up
    and improve overall performance dramatically by
    adoptiong the above. For one-off code or quick and
    dirty utilities I still use vla-* etc for mere
    convenience, but for anything that is destined for
    intense use I follow the above.
    And later in the same thread ... <quote>
    I never benched vlax-invoke versus vlax-invoke-method,
    vlax-get versus vlax-get-property, or vlax-put versus
    vlax-put-property. Also, I found that simple bench
    marking of vlax-invoke-method versus the equivalent
    vla-xxx call did not reveal performance differences.
    However, when running objectdbx against thousands of
    drawings I found a performance and *stability*
    improvement going the vlax-invoke-method etc. route.
    Another thing I forgot to mention ...
    Even though this would appear to me to be proper form
    to trap the attempt to retrieve the value for a
    property that sometimes does not exist:
    ; get and do stuff with PropertyValue
    I found better performance trapping an attempt to get
    the property and then branching so:
    (setq PropertyValue
    ; do stuff with PropertyValue
    To me it seems like sloppy programming, but I needed
    outright performance in one of my utilities -- so I
    went the latter route.
    I'm out for the balance of the day, so if you post
    something and it appears I'm ignoring it -- I'm not.
    I *may* be able to visit this forum tonight. Cheers.
    michael puckett, Apr 21, 2004
  8. mark

    Joe Burke Guest

    Thanks, Michael.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen that thread while Google wandering. It made an impression
    then. I've tried to follow your advice since.

    Joe Burke

    Joe Burke, Apr 22, 2004
  9. mark

    mark Guest

    (vla-delete ...) IS working fine, i was doing tests
    on different drawings tested while writing code...
    my mistake.
    i can go ahead and polish my code now...
    mark, Apr 22, 2004
  10. mark

    Joe Burke Guest


    I'd be interested in seeing your polished code, if you don't mind posting it. I
    haven't had time to study what you posted previously.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 22, 2004
  11. mark

    John Uhden Guest

    That's good news! As Joe requested, how about educating us what the problem and
    fix was?
    John Uhden, Apr 23, 2004
  12. mark

    Joe Burke Guest

    Mark and John,

    I found answers to the questions I posted a few messages back. Basically I didn't
    understand how to SaveAs a DBX doc. For one thing, I was trying to use the Save
    method rather than SaveAs. Delete an unreferenced block definition works now. One
    more lesson learned. :)

    So no need to post your code on my account, Mark.

    Thanks anyway,
    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 23, 2004
  13. mark

    mark Guest

    there was no problem, and no fix, the code i posted earlier works just fine,
    just remove the semicolons from in front of the (vla-delete bobj) ...
    while i was doing tests, multiple bogus block names were being accumelated
    of the same block definition, when the code was finalized, of course it did
    not purge out the blocks created in a different session!
    and btw, John, i do not think i can educate you, i have seen your code ;)
    maybe u can polish up my code and post it, for all of us to share.
    mark, Apr 23, 2004
  14. For the sake those following this thread, there are a few
    things that I failed to point out.

    Redefining a block that is used as a dimension arrow will
    require some additional work. In addition to renaming all
    references to the block (translating the name back to the
    original block's name):

    1. You must perform the same name translation to any
    dimension style's DIMBLK1 and DIMBLK2 settings.

    2. You must perform the same name translation to the
    current values of those same dimvars.

    3. You must perform the same name translation to the
    stored values of those two dimvars in any dimensions
    where they are overridden (stored as handles in the
    dimension's Xdata).

    All of the above is unnecessary if you use ObjectARX or
    the SwapIds method in AcadX, which swaps the identities
    of the old and new block objects, and eliminates the
    need to resolve any references.

    In short, I'll stick to ObjectARX for redefining blocks,
    as similar problems can crop up if any private application
    data contains references to a block object. And since you
    don't know about them, or what to do about them, you'll
    be hitting the wall.
    Tony Tanzillo, Apr 23, 2004
  15. mark

    John Uhden Guest


    I took only a cursory glance at your code, and found an apparently good
    knowledge of VisualLisp and ActiveX. The second observation was your preference
    for saving lines of code. Maybe it's from having spent time here and
    appreciating others' structure, or maybe it's from worries about word wrap
    problems in posting, but tree-structured indents might help readability. Lately
    I tend to create a lot of white space for the sake of structure. It's all the
    same when you "compile" to .FAS.

    As to content, I think (but not sure 'cause I haven't really tested) that there
    is something special in passing the document object to a subfunction in order to
    save(as) it, rather than acting on the object in the current function. It think
    it was Joe who had posted the SaveDbx function from James Buzbee (and probably
    from someone earlier like Tony or Vlad). Sounds stupid, and maybe it is, but I
    think the approach solved an earlier problem I had. Then again, there are
    plenty of anomalies one encounters when working with LDT drawings. :/

    Anyway, I hope to do as you ask and see if there might be some flow
    improvements. I've become enamored with the Stephan Koster approach of (and ...
    (or...)) as opposed to (if... (progn...)), but some days the right lane is
    faster than the left lane (actually most days in Virginia, but that's another
    story). Bear in mind that Tony is right about many things. ARX is the ultimate
    way to go, but there's a steep learning curve to climb which requires a lot of
    time if starting from 0. - John
    John Uhden, Apr 24, 2004
  16. mark

    Joe Burke Guest

    Hi John,

    For what it's worth... I've seen the James Buzbee SaveDbx function you mentioned
    while Google researching ObjectDBX in general. I haven't posted it. So if someone did
    recently, it wasn't me.

    Given my limited experience with ODBX, far less than yours, I haven't encountered a
    problem so far with doing a SaveAs in the current function. As opposed to passing
    that task off to SaveDbx. I'm only dealing with vanilla ACAD. Until recently, A2k2.
    Lately A2k4.

    BTW, I really like your Stephan Koster approach. Given a fairly simple code task,
    it's not hard to implement. And the advantages are obvious. But I find myself
    intimidated trying to apply the idea to more complex code. I know it can be done. I
    also think it's a matter of screwing your head on in a certain direction that's not
    exactly "standard". Assuming there is such a thing as "standard".

    Actually what I find most interesting about it is seems to stress my basic lisp
    knowledge. And I guess that's good in itself.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 25, 2004
  17. mark

    John Uhden Guest

    My mistake. It was Mark Propst on 2/05/04.
    It was probably also my mistake about the perception that a separate function
    helped. If I run into the problem again, I'll post the circumstances.
    John Uhden, Apr 25, 2004
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