ObjectDBX and Read-Only DWGs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matt W, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    I've got a proggy that I'm developing that will cycle through a bunch of
    drawings, grab information from certain blocks, create an instance of Excel,
    dump the block info onto 3 sheets within Excel and basically create a
    printable report.

    However, it doesn't seem to completely work when a drawing is opened by
    another user. I thought that DBX could open a drawing and grab information
    even if it was in use. Is this not the case??!? Is there a workaround??!?

    AutoCAD 2004 (Building Systems) on WinXP Pro
    Matt W, Jun 17, 2004
  2. Matt W

    Ed Jobe Guest

    No. Not only can it not do read-only, but it can't do dwt's either. I wrote a class module to handle these.

    I've got a proggy that I'm developing that will cycle through a bunch of
    drawings, grab information from certain blocks, create an instance of Excel,
    dump the block info onto 3 sheets within Excel and basically create a
    printable report.

    However, it doesn't seem to completely work when a drawing is opened by
    another user. I thought that DBX could open a drawing and grab information
    even if it was in use. Is this not the case??!? Is there a workaround??!?

    AutoCAD 2004 (Building Systems) on WinXP Pro
    Ed Jobe, Jun 17, 2004
  3. Matt W

    Ed Jobe Guest

    I guess so.

    Could you post the ZIP file here?? Our IT department won't let us download files from "un-authorized" sites. I do, however, has permission to download from the NGs.


    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    No. Not only can it not do read-only, but it can't do dwt's either. I wrote a class module to handle these.

    I've got a proggy that I'm developing that will cycle through a bunch of
    drawings, grab information from certain blocks, create an instance of Excel,
    dump the block info onto 3 sheets within Excel and basically create a
    printable report.

    However, it doesn't seem to completely work when a drawing is opened by
    another user. I thought that DBX could open a drawing and grab information
    even if it was in use. Is this not the case??!? Is there a workaround??!?

    AutoCAD 2004 (Building Systems) on WinXP Pro
    Ed Jobe, Jun 17, 2004
  4. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    It appears that's what I'll have to do. I keep getting this darn "the dll
    was loaded but the entry point was not found yada, yada, yada" message.

    And yes, I changed it from axdb15 to axdb16.
    Any thoughts, Ed?

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Matt W wrote:
    | > However, it doesn't seem to completely work when a drawing is opened by
    | > another user. I thought that DBX could open a drawing and grab
    | > even if it was in use.
    | Copy the file to a temp folder, walk through that, then erase it.
    | Terry
    Matt W, Jun 17, 2004
  5. Matt W

    Ed Jobe Guest

    My class handles that (except that the version I gave you is not the latest, sorry. I'll post it later). And Terry's suggestion is how I handle the errors, automatically.

    It appears that's what I'll have to do. I keep getting this darn "the dll
    was loaded but the entry point was not found yada, yada, yada" message.

    And yes, I changed it from axdb15 to axdb16.
    Any thoughts, Ed?

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Matt W wrote:
    | > However, it doesn't seem to completely work when a drawing is opened by
    | > another user. I thought that DBX could open a drawing and grab
    | > even if it was in use.
    | Copy the file to a temp folder, walk through that, then erase it.
    | Terry
    Ed Jobe, Jun 17, 2004
  6. Matt W

    Ed Jobe Guest

    This one is tested in adt 05.

    My class handles that (except that the version I gave you is not the latest, sorry. I'll post it later). And Terry's suggestion is how I handle the errors, automatically.

    It appears that's what I'll have to do. I keep getting this darn "the dll
    was loaded but the entry point was not found yada, yada, yada" message.

    And yes, I changed it from axdb15 to axdb16.
    Any thoughts, Ed?

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Matt W wrote:
    | > However, it doesn't seem to completely work when a drawing is opened by
    | > another user. I thought that DBX could open a drawing and grab
    | > even if it was in use.
    | Copy the file to a temp folder, walk through that, then erase it.
    | Terry
    Ed Jobe, Jun 17, 2004
  7. Matt W

    Barbarossa Guest

    One more option: you can always make a temporary copy and work with the
    copy. It is more safe.
    Barbarossa, Jun 18, 2004
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