OASIS Direct Integrator's Toolkit

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Mark Valery, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. Mark Valery

    Mark Valery Guest

    I was wondering if anyone had purchased the
    OASIS Direct Integrator's Toolkit and would be
    willing to tell me if it was worth the price?

    We just got a quote for $100K and I'm wondering if
    its absolutely necessary. I believe that a simulator
    integration could still be done without the docs,
    but it would be harder and take more time. Outputting
    the data into psf format without the API for the psl.a
    library would be impossible without the kit, but would
    be negated if SRR would be released soon.

    If I could talk the accountants into paying it would be
    easier on my head. If not, its going to be flattened
    from banging it against the screen.

    Any comments are welcomed.

    Mark Valery, Nov 11, 2004
  2. Mark Valery

    Mark Valery Guest

    I thought I would respond to my own post after talking to
    2 experts. One with recent experience with writing a custom
    netlister from ADE and another with experience doing it
    from when it was called artist. They both advised that it
    was not worth the 100K and to do it on my own.
    Mark Valery, Nov 18, 2004
  3. Mark Valery

    fogh Guest


    Did these experts make a direct netlister ?
    Generate psf data ?
    I had an impression that ADE integration requires that you write purely SKILL++,
    get familiar with all sorts of classes, triggers, data structures and whatnot.

    If you gather info and make sense out of this, I would not mind seeing some 8-}
    I could consider writing an example then (such as integration of Al's circuit
    fogh, Dec 1, 2004
  4. Mark Valery

    Mark Valery Guest

    Not binary, since you need the API, but you can do psfascii in a
    bind by writing your own.
    I have a whole lot of reading of the reference manuals to do.
    What is Al's circuit simulator?
    Mark Valery, Dec 6, 2004
  5. Mark Valery

    fogh Guest

    Alas, it has nothing to do with South Park. Here is an entry point:

    It has potential only. That could change if it gets decent verilogA/ADMS
    fogh, Dec 9, 2004
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