O.T. Dell M6300 Shipping Delay(s)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron \(bacsdesign.com\), Oct 21, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    My company ordered a Dell M6300 notebook workstation on 9/24/2007. Nothing
    odd, in fact it was one of the Dell "specials".

    It had an original ship date of 10/5/2007.

    After that date came... we got an email saying it would ship on

    After that date came, then we got an email saying there was a delay and it
    would ship on 10/22/2007...

    Out of the blue, we got a call from Dell, and it is now scheduled for
    shipping on 11/27/2007! Two months to deliver!!!

    I have never ever seen Dell delay building and shipping like this... we have
    many Dell (and HP) machines and all shipped on or before the "promised"
    shipping date.

    Has anyone else seen this or have an M6300 (or whatever) on order and seeing
    these delays?

    I went to HP and even their Notebook Workstations seem to take two or three
    weeks to deliver as well... What is going on in the industry to cause this?
    I was given a reason from Dell that all of the glass used in smaller LCD
    screens is in shortage due to the larger LCD "home theater" systems using up
    resources... HP did not have this problem as of a few weeks ago because
    someone there forecasted the demand problems... Dell did not. But now both
    seem to be caught in this "problem".

    Just wanted to know if anyone else has had issues.


    Aron \(bacsdesign.com\), Oct 21, 2007
  2. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    J. Carroll Guest

    I thought Alien sold one equiped this way?
    J. Carroll, Oct 21, 2007
  3. I ordered a Dell M6300 and had in my hands in about 6 days (I've have
    had it for about 2 weeks). When I ordered the Dell website stated a
    2.8 processor would delay shipment. I ordered the 2.2 so that didn't
    matter. I did order upgraded RAM (2 gigs), upgraded 9 cell battery
    and upgraded true life 1920-1200 screen. It's been working very well.
    robrrodriguez, Oct 22, 2007
  4. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    Bo Guest

    Please give us a heads up as you get used to it as to how well it
    works out.

    Windows XP?

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Oct 22, 2007
  5. Rob,

    When did you buy? Recently?

    Sounds like the same system... we got XP instead of Vista, 2 gigs, and
    1920x1200 true life, 9 cell, plus a dock (it was a bundle)... we added
    nothing else. And I had not one warning of "would delay shipment"... what a
    cluster f&%#.

    By the way, the M90 we have has a second monitor attached (24" SOYO - good
    reviews too) and it runs at its native 1920x1200 - wow it is nice... Office
    Max has the SOYO 24" LCD's every now and then for $300. The SOYO LCD stand
    sucks, but just get an external LCD arm... niiiice.

    Aron \(bacsdesign.com\), Oct 22, 2007
  6. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    dvanzile3 Guest

    This sounds like the exact same problem my coworker went through just
    a couple months ago with dell. He was trying to get a laptop for his
    daughter who was going away to college. They did the same thing and
    kept calling him out of the blue to say it would be delayed a month or
    two. Well, he wanted it before she went off to school because he
    didn't want to have to ship it to the dorm for obvious reasons.

    After a lot time spent on the phone with dell, he just ended up
    cancelling his order abd going to best buy and picking one up. Dell
    did give him like a 50 dollar coupon or something though for his

    dvanzile3, Oct 22, 2007
  7. Yes. I don't remeber the exact order date but it was around October
    1st. Definately the 1st week in October.

    I'll be writing a full system review on my blog shortly. I ordered
    witn Win XP Pro (32 bit).

    I almost took the same docking station bundle but decided I'd purchase
    that at a later date.
    robrrodriguez, Oct 23, 2007
  8. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    GG Guest

    Art it is the same box. I ordered an M6300 and also a D/Dock docking
    station to go with it. The model number on the bottom is PD01X and
    when I ordred it from Dell it said it was for the M70/90 or M6300 so I
    think you should be fine with what you have.
    GG, Oct 24, 2007
  9. I have the exact same problem, and can hardly believe it.
    I ordered an M6300 T7700 2.40 GHz on 9-25-2007... was supposed to get
    it within 21 days... on 10-21-2007 I received a message that the order
    has been delayed, and will only ship on 11-27-2007... last week on
    11-23-2007 I got a message that the computer has not been shipped yet,
    and probably will not be shipped any time soon. I couldn't believe
    what I was hearing -- can anyone tell me what could cause this to
    happen, and if they've heard of similar situations in the past?

    ofercohen.prnd, Nov 25, 2007
  10. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    BobCP Guest

    In this world of just-in-time manufacturing, I'm surprised there aren't
    more delays. All it takes for a line to "go down" is one non-redundant
    supplier to fail to deliver. And that supplier may depend on another
    and another. It's a very fragile supply chain.
    BobCP, Nov 25, 2007
  11. BobCP, do you know of a direct e-mail or phone number at Dell whom I
    can contact to see what can be done here?
    ofercohen.prnd, Nov 25, 2007
  12. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    Bo Guest

    I've bided my time and not said anything of recent times, but the last
    month's events have proven very interesting to me and maybe it will be
    of use to some other SolidWorks users.

    I've elected to "stay put" for now on Laptops, in spite of my M60
    being a bit "old", because the options are becoming wider, & the
    "cost" of my latest "PC" was $189, which is what I paid for the Mac
    Leopard Family Pack for the latest OS release out about a month

    I am using a 15" MacBook Pro 2.16 Ghz with WinXP using Boot Camp w/
    Mac's Leopard 10.5 OS, and the performance and usability for my
    simpler smaller 3D CAD work is just great (& this is a 2 year old Mac
    laptop). It is no worse than my M60, but I've not timed anything in
    any formal way.

    From what I've seen, it will not be long before I cease using a Dell
    at all and run all Windows stuff on my MacBook Pro. The only
    concession on the Mac that I make is using a small external PC
    keyboard if I know I'm going to do a lot of work. I also use a small
    3 button scroll wheel mouse from RadTech whenever I do any CAD work.

    The negatives of doing what I do are slight, but the positives are
    that I don't have to buy and maintain two $4k laptops, and I don't
    have to lug 2 of those damn things around. Windows can also be run,
    if only for non-intensive uses, as a program inside Mac OS X 10.5
    using virtualization with Parallels or VMWare.

    The real issue that makes running Windows on a Mac a BIG plus for me
    is that I can "sandbox" the Windows running native on its own
    partition or in virtualization, and I never have to let it on the
    Internet except for one time to register, and thus I never have to
    leave Anti-Virus and so forth turned on. I have had virtually (not a
    pun) ZERO downtime with this setup. I actually enjoy using Windows in
    this environment, because it never hangs or crashes, though SWks does
    ocassionally quit, but rarely (still using Swks 2006).

    Given that Apple is likely to announce a 13" high end laptop this
    January, I may upgrade to that laptop, as it is supposedly going to be
    about half the weight of the current MacBook Pro. Given what I've
    seen elsewhere, if I need desktop performance, I can get it with a
    MacPro Desktop machine, as some other users have noted.

    What I really care about is not wasting time. Given that Apple gives
    me the flexibility to chose what OS and how I run it, I feel that they
    have successfully bridged the gap on performance for higher end uses,
    and ease of use, coupled with the Mac's own OS & Application features,
    many of which I like over other products I've tried.

    I'm truly glad Apple is making hardware and software with a heavy
    attempt to make it easier for the user to achieve higher performance
    out of their computers. It is working.

    Bo, Nov 26, 2007
  13. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    Bo Guest

    Apple has an advantage in having few Laptop models & limited options
    where they seem to ship consistently fast, without delay, except when
    a model change is imminent.

    Bo, Nov 26, 2007
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