Nvidia Go5700 display problems on HP Laptop

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by james, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. james

    james Guest

    I'm having problems with my video card in SW2005 on my HP zd7260.

    When I open a part or an assembly, the image is often garbled. If I
    re-tile the windows (I have a hotkey setup for this), the image clears

    So I'm constantly re-tiling windows on my computer when I'm using

    I've been doing this for months, and am worried about being shipped off
    to the funny farm because it may drive me insane.


    I have the newest available driver from HP.

    I have the option of talking to HP about the problem, but I have a
    feeling I'll be paying them $90 to not fix it.

    My VAR has given me some tips (checking for drivers, etc.) but I
    believe since it's not a "recommended" video card from Solidworks, I'm
    sort of on my own here.

    Thanks for any help anyone may be able to provide.
    james, Jul 6, 2005
  2. james

    Bo Guest

    What will it cost to buy an approved nVidia card for your machine?

    If available for your HP, that would likely be the quickest and best,
    and maybe overall least expensive way to get great performance.

    Bo, Jul 6, 2005
  3. james

    SteveT Guest

    Try running in software openGL mode...

    1. start solidworks (do not open anything)
    2. checkmark Tools -- Options -- performance - software openGL
    3. restart solidworks

    this should bypass the video card & make the processor emulate a
    professional card -- thus the computer may seem a little slower. unless you
    are doing very simple parts you may not notice a difference. if problems go
    away then you have just confirmed the problem is your video card. The only
    fix is to upgrade. Dell sells an M60 that is a certified solidworks laptop

    Hope that helps.
    Steve T.
    SteveT, Jul 6, 2005
  4. james

    james Guest

    Unfortunately, the video card is built into the motherboard. Nothing
    can be replaced.

    I spoke with HP, and they said in the future it's likely that the video
    cards will be separate, but for now, I'm stuck with the video card I
    james, Jul 6, 2005
  5. james

    james Guest


    Thank you so much.

    I checked the openGL box.

    The results are exactly as you described: Problem gone, system slower.
    Some other flickering things (cylinders becoming rectangles while
    rotating assemblies) are happening. I just have to choose between my
    two less-than-perfect scenarios on this machine.

    Lesson Learned: Next laptop will be a certified solidworks laptop.

    For years at various companies I've used "non-certified" desktops
    without any problems. That finally bit me on a laptop.

    Next time (hopefully within the next 6 months or so) I'll fork over the
    big bucks for a certified laptop.


    Do you have any computer tweaking tips for making the software Open GL
    run better?

    I sort of crossed my fingers when I purchased this laptop. I should
    have crossed my toes too, apparently.


    james, Jul 7, 2005
  6. james

    Rocko Guest

    James you can also hack the card so it will emulate Quadro FX 500 card there
    are several web sites on how to do this.
    Rocko, Jul 12, 2005
  7. james

    james Guest

    Thanks Rocko.

    Actually, yes, I've been hanging out at laptopvideo2go.com

    I downloaded a "modified" driver that corrected my problem.

    I am quite a happy camper now!!!
    james, Jul 13, 2005
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