NVidia FX1000

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Pete, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. Pete

    Pete Guest

    I've just ordered (and Dell shippped) a new 650 with an NVidia FX1000
    card... Then on yesterday's Knowledge Base Monitor I saw a TAN that
    the FX1000 has very poor performance when using Wildfire and
    transparent parts, and that the config.pro setting should be put back
    the the 'old' settings, where transparent parts looked more like
    screens than smooth.

    Has anyone any firsthand experience with this? The SPR had a fixed
    datecode of 2003330, which makes this even more puzzling. I just
    junked a Wildcat 7110 because of issues with display corruption, so
    I've gone down a step to the FX1000, and now where am I, back to a
    Quadro4 900?

    Peter Brown
    Jarvis Products Corp
    Pete, Sep 25, 2003
  2. Pete

    David Janes Guest

    : I've just ordered (and Dell shippped) a new 650 with an NVidia FX1000
    : card... Then on yesterday's Knowledge Base Monitor I saw a TAN that
    : the FX1000 has very poor performance when using Wildfire and
    : transparent parts, and that the config.pro setting should be put back
    : the the 'old' settings, where transparent parts looked more like
    : screens than smooth.
    That's very strange. The FX1000 is a good workstation card from a good gpu maker.
    It was an upgrade of the Quadro 4 and is supposed to outperform the 900 by 30%, so
    going backwards doesn't seem to be an option. It is also on PTC's website as a
    supported card for the Dell 650 on both XP and Win2k platforms. To help deepen
    this mystery, let me tell you about the nVidia GeForce2 Go card on my Toshiba
    laptop. It does Wildfire graphics with no problems, including a sweet job with the
    transparency and the PhotoLux rendering. The card has obvious limitations with
    only 16megs of memory, but the basic functioning is good.

    I'd sure like to know how they come up with the TANs after they approved a card
    which seems like it ought to be able to do everything but backflips. Is it based
    on one computer and one installation? Is some graphics testing company testing
    cards with Pro/e and how systematically? Is there a published set of graphics
    functions that a card/driver should have to perform well with Pro/e? I sure
    haven't seen any such thing from PTC, although Dell has published a list of OpenGL
    functions the nVidia card will perform.

    So, what I'm saying is that I wouldn't panic and start buying other cards just
    yet. PTC might simply be playing cya with a big client. It's support style
    generally reminds me of the computer business's idea of support from the 80s where
    you'd call up Dell or Compaq and they'd say, no sorry, that's not our problem,
    you've got to call Microsoft; then you'd call MS and they'd say, no sorry, that's
    not our problem, you've got to talk to the peripheral vendor and get their latest
    driver, etc, etc, where 'support' is a finger pointing run-around. The answer to
    this has always been ~ hold their feet to the fire, make them give you what you
    paid for.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Oct 2, 2003
  3. Pete

    Pete Guest

    Well, I don't see what all the fuss was about. Wildfire transparency appears
    to work fine with only the expected slight degredation in performance
    because of the increased intensiveness of the application versus the old
    stippled method.

    Dell 650, 3.06 GHz (hyper threading off)
    2Gb ram
    NVidia FX1000
    UltraSharp 20" flat panel at 1600x1200
    Wildfire 2003330

    Tested it in a 75 component assembly.

    Note to Vericut users: I am having lots of trouble on this platform with
    machine simulation view and Vericut exiting with a javaw.exe error.
    Different dispaly drivers and versions of the Java Runtime Environment
    installed, with no fix yet. Files are at PTC and are probably going to be
    forwarded to CGTech.

    Peter Brown
    Jarvis Products Corp
    Pete, Oct 3, 2003
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