Nvidia 67.22 driver with fx1100 - opinion

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by whit, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. whit

    whit Guest

    So far so good, two monitors, I can get better resolution with less
    quiver, SWX seems fine with it too.

    whit, Jul 14, 2005
  2. whit

    whit Guest

    I don't use much of the fancy Nvidia either, I just want a good display without

    There's a 71.84 driver on the Nvidia site also.
    whit, Jul 14, 2005
  3. whit

    bszotko Guest

    I have the same card but haven't tried 2 monitors. does sw run on 1
    and everything else on the other? can you give me some pointers to try
    it out?
    bszotko, Jul 14, 2005
  4. whit

    jjs Guest

    Thats the way to do it -- trying to have SW span two monitors is just
    to problomatitic. 1 monitor for SW and the other for emails etc.

    I have the Win task bar on the bottom set up only on one monitor -
    the second monitor is just a blue screen covered in Post- it notes (
    of the virtual type !! ) and the real sort !!.


    jjs, Jul 14, 2005
  5. whit

    whit Guest

    Pretty much, I put some of the SW toolbars on the other screen as well as
    email, pdf's, ACAD/MTD, internet whatever, you can stretch the apps across
    both screens, but aside from 'wowwing' the cow-orkers it's not that useful,
    but I have two different sized monitors. With two 22" flats panel displays
    you could probably work across both pretty well.

    It's pretty easy to set up, just go thru the Display Properties, then thru
    the Advanced tab to get to the Nvidia settings... I left most of it alone.
    whit, Jul 14, 2005
  6. whit

    Mike Tripoli Guest

    I've been running this configuration for about 1 year. No problems at
    all (2-21" CRT's , one going through a "DVI-ANALOG connector). Knock
    wood, it's been very solid.

    Mike Tripoli
    Mike Tripoli, Jul 14, 2005
  7. whit

    John Layne Guest

    Can you get the SW toolbars to stay where they're put on the second
    screen after restarting SolidWorks?

    If so I'll send a virtual beer if you can tell me how.


    John Layne
    John Layne, Jul 14, 2005
  8. whit

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I run only one monitor here at work. But at home I have two. My main one
    is a 21" which is on the right. My secondary is a 19" and it is on the
    left. I know it seems backwards. You really can't tell a difference other
    than the Windows Taskbar stays on the right.

    Anyway, SW stays on the right 21" maximized, and my SW toolbars stay on the
    left 19", even after restarting. I didn't do anything special to get it to
    do this. It just worked this way the first time I tried it.

    nVidia Geforce4 TI4600 (don't know the driver but its probably old)
    WinXP Pro
    Seth Renigar, Jul 14, 2005
  9. whit

    whit Guest

    Your setup sounds just like mine, 'cept I got a 22' monitor in the last upgrade

    And the toolbars just stay where I leave them on the left screen, although they
    start out one size and shape when first pulled off the SW GUI, after a few uses
    they resize themselves and there's no getting them back to their larger initial

    I had a Ti4400 for a couple years at home too, but one day it gave up the ghost,
    nice card for the $$.
    whit, Jul 14, 2005
  10. whit

    Cam J Guest

    And it doesn't worry you getting zapped by all those extra rays does it
    Cam J, Jul 15, 2005
  11. whit

    Mike Tripoli Guest

    Extra rays? You're not wearing a tin foil hat, are you? LOL!

    Mike Tripoli
    Mike Tripoli, Jul 16, 2005
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