Nuts & Bolts interfere?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Walther Mathieu, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. Now in reality they don´t... but in Pro/E they do.

    In complex assemblies this makes the calculation
    of global interference quite useless - lots of them,
    always, so that a real one can easily be missed.

    I wonder if - perhaps in WFx - Pro/E will ever let go
    the bad habit of handling threads as "cosmetics" only.

    Or do you WF1 and WF2 users still see interference
    between nuts and bolts and their respective threads?
    Any possibility of marking these as nonsense?

    Just curious.

    Walther Mathieu, Jun 1, 2005
  2. Walther Mathieu

    David Janes Guest

    I've seen one major way of handling this apparent interference, a way that I
    consider a kludge: the bolt libraries have an undercut in the area of the thread
    to make this diameter smaller than the hole tap drill size.

    Still, isn't the actual problem that you raise about the "normal" working of a
    global interference check? Why doesn't it see threaded hole contiguous with
    threaded fastener = ignore interference in that area? Must be Pro/GOOFY, the
    internal joke module of Pro/E, only in this case it can't even tell it's kidding
    itself. It takes the joke seriously. Not very sophisticated, huh? Time for Pro/e
    to grow up!?!
    David Janes, Jun 1, 2005
  3. I´ve been using this kind of simple´n´dirty workaround long enough,
    but when drawings are handed out for machining things must be accurate.
    Then it´s about time to undo all the patches.

    Almost incredible that no one noticed that issue in eleven years.

    <rant mode>
    The "joy of engineering" (as some customer has put it) has become
    manyfold through efforts of programmers coding CAD systems who are
    neither pros nor engineers... all management, marketing and sales.
    The new logo says it all - three misaligned and badly shaped holes.
    Yup! I still wait for some programmer of Pro/E to finally invent the
    intelligent "thread interference check" routine within it - all the data
    required is already present! It could supply a warning if threads do not
    match, i. e. an un-threaded section of my bolt is forced into a threaded
    hole or vice versa - the real-world assemblycist´s nightmare.

    Not to mention additional data - thread pitch etc., which Pro/E AFAIK
    is totally unaware of unfortunately. Could Pro/E give me a warning if I
    had built a M12x1 fine pitch zhreaded bolt into a M12x1.75 standard
    thread hole? Or an imperial one into some metric hole (just dreaming)?.

    I guess PTC would then make this a 1000$ Pro/THREAD software module...
    Walther Mathieu, Jun 2, 2005
  4. Walther Mathieu

    David Janes Guest

    Right, there is interference, bolt to hole, that you'd like an INTELLIGENT,
    high-priced, professional piece of software to catch.
    Another great use for some builtin intelligence. It's amazing all the information
    you give the program that just sits there, passively, unused. Hey, I hear it's all
    going to get fixed in WF3.
    Oh, don't laugh. There just may be such a thing from a third-party vendor. Or
    maybe this is one of those things you're supposed to buy Pro/TOOLKIT to fix. (I'm
    still wondering what you can do with PTK.)
    David Janes, Jun 2, 2005
  5. Walther Mathieu

    Gradje Guest

    In WF2 it's still the same
    The "hole feature", introduced in 2000i (or 20), is imho not fully
    developed. For instance:
    - Thread notes are not allowed in DIN/ISO style.
    - Thread depth in DIN/ISO is to the drilling point, not at the beginning
    of the shaft.
    - Clearance holes aren't conform DIN/ISO screws (DIN 912)
    - On drawings the cosmetics aren't displayed properly according DIN/ISO

    And of coarse the points you mentioned...

    I hate to say it but all these works fine with SW... (I don't know about
    interference checks).

    Personally I don't understand, what the programmers at PTC do with
    feedback from customers. The hole feature hasn't changed in 4 to 5 proe
    releases inspite these HUGE BUGS.

    Gradje, Jun 3, 2005
  6. Just to add one more, c'bore holes can only be used with tapped hole. This
    should be with a drilled hole!
    Also, would like to go back and change a tapped hole to a drilled hole and
    Gary Miglionico, Jun 3, 2005
  7. Walther Mathieu

    Gradje Guest

    Another nasty thing: a threaded hole can't be "through next"

    Gradje, Jun 4, 2005
  8. the old fashioned way to create e. g. a blind threaded hole
    (at least here in old europe) is this:

    choose a point on any surface (not only plain ones!) which is
    either dimensioned or aligned to something (point or axis),
    then drill a hole with core diameter and depth, cut a thread
    into that hole with diameter and depth (_and_ other values!).

    Both drilled hole and thread normally are (but needn´t be)
    cylindrical, but always have a conus at the end. At last
    there´s a chamfer the size of the difference between
    hole core and thread outer diameter.

    The only way to get this straight in Pro/E is to define a UDF
    family from which to chose diameter and depth etc.,
    the "normal" process in Pro/E is lengthy and inadequate.

    There has been no improvement to this in Pro/E for ten years...
    so I still wonder:

    Why doesn´t PTC hire an engineer to let programmers watch him
    (or her) while he (she) makes real world usage of their product?
    I´d suggest through some fracture-proof window to avoid injury.

    Walther Mathieu, Jun 7, 2005
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