I have program to convert from string to number,like this ; s2n is stand for string to number ; Design by Ade Suharna <> ; 29 November 2004 ; Program no.142/11/2004 ; Edit by Alaspher<>11/29/04 1 ). (defun c:s2n () (vl-load-com) (setq ss (ssget)) (setq ent (ssname ss 0)) (setq dxf (entget ent)) (setq tex (cdr (assoc 1 dxf))) (setq t2n (vl-string->list tex)) (setq assoc1 (vl-string-trim "()" (vl-princ-to-string t2n))) ; 1). (setq tex1 (cons 1 assoc1)) (setq ed (subst tex1(assoc 1 dxf) dxf)) (entmod ed) ) Now I want convert again from number to string,this below "65 100 101 115 117" to "A d e s u",how to do?