number of plt types

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by LadeBak, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. LadeBak

    LadeBak Guest

    How many different plt file types are there?

    I've installed a PCL5e (I think it covers the HPGL and HPGL2 formats) driver for my LaserJet5simx and the plt files I have still print out as Wingdings.

    I've also tried opening the files with plt viewing programs such as Varyview but they won't come up as anything.
    LadeBak, Mar 5, 2004
  2. HPGL/2 can be part of PCL5e and most printers that work with PCL5e can also
    plot HPGL/2; but this doesn't imply that when you print using a PCL5e
    driver, the output will be HPGL/2. Try one of AutoCAD's own (= HDI) HPGL/2
    drivers for a DesignJet (not a driver for a Laserjet - the output would
    still be PCL) and seen whether your printer can digest the output. This
    output can also be viewed with HPGL/2 viewers.

    Plt is only a file name extension that AutoCAD gives to plot files it
    creates with *any* printer driver. The number of printing/plotting languages
    is limited to a handful of "families", but basically the answer to your
    first question is "as many as the number of different printer/plotter


    driver for my LaserJet5simx and the plt files I have still print out as
    Varyview but they won't come up as anything.
    Govert J. Knopper, Mar 7, 2004
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