null pointer error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by The Real JD, May 31, 2004.

  1. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    Hi, i;ve got a workstation that currently cannot access a network plotter
    (HP 1055).

    the problem is local because other stations can access the plotter without
    any problems.

    all the PC3s for all our plotter are shared on a network folder. Autocad can
    see the PC3 in the dropdown list, but when i select it, it give a "null
    pointer error". Can anyone tell me what a null pointer error is, an what i
    can do to correct it? TIA
    The Real JD, May 31, 2004
  2. not the "Real JD"...

    just the jjd- and jd-drafter.... for about 4 years now...

    goos to know there are others. 8^)

    i have had similar issues and it related to the user permisions on the cpu
    hosting the plotter-
    reset passwords and permissions-

    good luck

    the real jjd...
    jd-drafter@home, Jun 1, 2004
  3. The Real JD

    John Schmidt Guest

    One thing that can also cause this is when different operating systems,
    (Win2K vs. WinXP), both access the same .pc3 files. Not all drivers suffer
    from this , but many HP do.

    John Schmidt, Jun 1, 2004
  4. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    What's weird is that the PC3s were created in a win2k environment.
    I upgraded to Win XP, and the PC3 is working fine for me, but I have admin
    rights over the folder where it resides.

    It's always worked with read-only rights for all the other users.
    we're slowly updating stations to WinXp, so right now it's a mixed
    environment, and the Win2k stations have no problems with the PC3, and I
    have none under WinXP... I'm thinking it might be something corrupt on the
    workstation itself. both WinXP and Win2k are using the same windows

    I'll have to reinstall, because i tried a repair and it didn't do anything
    to fix it.
    Maybe i'm going down the wrong path so,
    Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
    The Real JD, Jun 1, 2004
  5. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    Permissions have been read-only for all and it's never caused problems.
    I tried it anyway, and it didn't fix it. Thx for the suggestion jjd!
    The Real JD, Jun 1, 2004
  6. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    Okay, another winXP station with AutoCAD has the same problem.. i don't
    think it's a corrupt install.. Doh...
    The Real JD, Jun 2, 2004
  7. The Real JD

    jd-drafter Guest

    my issue was also with xp and the printer was on a 2000 box-

    it did it every month or so it seemed

    good luck- have you googled it yet? 8^)

    jd-drafter, Jun 2, 2004
  8. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    Gonna setup another printer queue using WinXP specific drivers...
    We'll see if that fixes it.

    As for the google search, it's the first thing i do for anything!! :)
    The Real JD, Jun 7, 2004
  9. The Real JD

    jd-drafter Guest

    google... is the oz of the techno future

    there's probably some old dude in there pumping handles and levers for the
    smoke and mirrors... yelling into a megaphone.... "google does math!!!!!!"

    then there is the pigeon theory....


    jd-drafter, Jun 8, 2004
  10. The Real JD

    pyrogx2000 Guest

    Try putting the actual .pc3 file on your local computer.
    Go to plotter manager and throw the .pc3 file in there. It should be in the dropdown menu. See if your problem is still there.
    pyrogx2000, Jun 30, 2004
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