Null Pointer Error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by James Shaw, Jan 20, 2004.

  1. James Shaw

    James Shaw Guest


    17 node network license
    AutoCAD 2002
    NT network w/ Windows 2000 & XP clients
    HP1055CM Plus plotter
    Plot specific files stored on a network shared drive:
    x:\drafting\autocad\plotters (*.pc3)
    x:\drafting\autocad\drv (*.pmp)
    x:\drafting\autocad\plot styles (*.stb)
    AutoCAD | Options - search paths are set to look at network locations

    The Problem:

    We have AutoCAD installed on 22 workstations. One of the workstations
    refuses to accept the network installed plot settings. The file search path
    is correctly set in the preference file and is the same as every other
    workstation. For the workstation not working correctly, as soon as you try
    to plot it give a null pointer error and will not accept the network plotter
    files. This null pointer error also corrupts the file and requires a
    recovery before opening the file on a different workstation. This has
    happened on one other occasion on a different workstation. The last time
    this problem occurred, we were forced to uninstall AutoCAD, scrub the
    registry of AutoCAD settings, and reinstall. I would like to think there is
    a logical explanation to this problem and a simpler fix than a total
    reinstall. Does anyone have any suggestions or help to offer?
    James Shaw, Jan 20, 2004
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