NT print server on life support

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by squib, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. squib

    squib Guest

    my dedicated NT print server is on life support and it
    doesn't look good at all after suffering from a violent
    cardiac arrest.

    i have a new replacement NT machine online and running,
    but my current problem is print drivers. I want to be able to somehow move all print drivers from the old machine onto the new one, without having to manually reinstall each driver.
    can this be done?

    can anyone suggest their favorite method and/or suggest a
    shortcut?, i have a feeling exporting the registry settings may be a part of this task?

    thank you for your suggestions. i don't have much NT experience. your help will be greatly appreciated.

    squib, Jun 3, 2004
  2. squib

    Jason Guest

    Shot in the dark here; from the second server, connect to the shared
    printers on the first server. Doing so should copy the printer driver to
    the second server where it can then be setup as a local printer. However,
    the actual ports to be printed to (LPT1, LPR, etc.) will need to be setup


    all print drivers from the old machine onto the new one, without having to
    manually reinstall each driver.
    Jason, Jun 3, 2004
  3. squib

    squib Guest

    thanks jason,
    that's a great suggestion,...why didn't i think of that.

    so, hopfully i understand you correctly;
    basically, just add each printer/plotter to the new machine as if it were going to be a client, but then share the printers, on the respective ports, just like before, but on the new machine.
    then "pull the plug" on the dying macine, may it RIP after 8 years of service.

    squib, Jun 3, 2004
  4. squib

    Jason Guest

    Pretty much what I was thinking. You may be able to redirect it to another
    port, or you may have to add a new copy of the shared printer as a local
    printer on the new server. Once you have connected the new server to the
    shared printer of the old server, the drivers should be available locally to
    the new server. No guarantees.


    going to be a client, but then share the printers, on the respective ports,
    just like before, but on the new machine.
    Jason, Jun 3, 2004
  5. squib

    squib Guest

    ok, thanks alot!
    i'll give it try.

    squib, Jun 4, 2004
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