Notes on a drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by los, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. los

    los Guest

    We currently have our notes and rev block on the sheet format and this
    sometimes is a problem. I would like to get feedback (pros and cons)
    from other users on where to best place the notes and rev block,,,
    darwing sheet or sheet format???

    los, Feb 15, 2007
  2. We generally put the rev table on the sheet format so they don't
    accidentally get moved or changed. General notes on the drawing are on the
    sheet., as are the rev triangles for ease of manipulating.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 15, 2007
  3. los

    CS Guest

    2 simple rules technically it is only one rule but live by it and you
    will be happy.

    1) If it doesn't change or is linked to a custom property it better be
    on the sheet format
    2) If it needs to be manually edited and cannot be in a custom
    property it shoud be on the sheet

    If you do this and there is an across the board titleblock change
    either because of company policy or byout or other company dynamics
    all you have to do is replace the sheet format with the new one and
    nothing else needs to be changed. Where as if the sheet format is not
    standard then you have to manually go through each sheet format and
    determine which objects will be lost and need to be recreated.
    CS, Feb 15, 2007
  4. los

    @leX Guest

    I completely agree with CS's opinion.
    It's only one way to get flexible and scalable drawing template.
    By default regular users needn't to edit or enter to sheet format at
    @leX, Feb 15, 2007
  5. los

    CS Guest

    In my opinion it should be Company Policy to never edit sheet format.
    CS, Feb 15, 2007

  6. We used to do it that way as well, but got frustrated with moving back and
    forth between the sheet and sheet format when the drawing got cluttered.
    We've been much happier with having both notes and rev block on the sheet.
    On the other hand, we're not much for carefully developing our process, so
    we've never gotten around to using custom or configuration properties the
    way we probably should.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 16, 2007
  7. los

    fcsuper Guest


    If you are using SolidWorks 2005 or later, you should be using
    SolidWorks built in Rev Block table. It is very easy to use, and much
    quicker than manual methods, and more stable than using an Excel
    insert. If you use this method, your rev block will be on the
    template, not on the drawing sheet format.

    Also, notes are part of the drawing. There's no reason to put them on
    the sheet format at all.

    If you like, I have advice that can help you streamline this at:

    If you use this method, there are macros which can be used to allow
    you to set up these details on new drawings within seconds.

    fcsuper, Feb 19, 2007
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