Note is Out of bounds?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by B Long, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. B Long

    B Long Guest

    Somehow we inserted a note onto a dwg 23,000 inches from the titleblock.
    When doing a view all in SolidWorks the dwg boundry fills the screen so it
    seems SW is unaware of the note.

    However, we use SmarTeam and its internal viewer recognizes the far away
    note so a view all gives us a tiny dot for the dwg and nothing onscreen for
    the note. Zooming in on either allows us to see it.

    I exported the dwg as a DXF file and was able to use CadKey (maybe
    Intellicad) to determine the note was 23,000 inches from the title block.
    Back in SW I tried to draw a line from the title block 21,000 inches to the
    left but got some type of error. It seems I can draw a line 19,000 inches
    but anything longer produces the error.

    I could just redraw the dwg but am wondering if there's a way to use a hex
    editor to modify the SW dwg file. Or, is there a 'erase outside the box' as
    in CadKey?

    VAR says the problem will be fixed in the next SmarTeam SP.
    B Long, Nov 17, 2003
  2. B Long

    kellnerp Guest

    This note may be outside the cube in which SW is supposed to operate.

    Can you cut the note and paste it somewhere closer to the titleblock?
    kellnerp, Nov 17, 2003
  3. do you know what the note says. you could use the api to loop through
    every note and delete it when you find it.
    Sean Phillips, Nov 17, 2003
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