Not so planer swept face?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Josh, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. Josh

    Josh Guest

    I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem I am
    having...When I create a swept feature, in this case a simple profile
    around an elliptical path, the resulting faces do not end up being
    selectable as planes for sketching, etc. When I measure the distance
    between one of these faces, in this case the topmost face and the Top
    plane, the 'Y' distance is correct, but the items are not listed as
    being parallel, even though when sketching my profile, the sketched
    line which resulted in this swept face was constrained as horizontal.
    Are there any known options or workarounds that would ensure faces stay
    true and planer when sweeping?

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Josh, Dec 9, 2005
  2. Josh

    TOP Guest

    Did you use a guide line to maintain alignment? Horizontal and vertical
    relations don't always hold well in a sweep.
    TOP, Dec 9, 2005
  3. Josh

    matt Guest

    The obvious question is if this is really a planar surface and you want
    to use it as a planar surface, why are you using a sweep to create it?
    Why not use a Planar Surface feature? Sweeps by their very nature are
    interpolations, so there's a bit of filling-in-the-gaps going on, which
    could easily explain what you are seeing.

    Re-reading, I'm going to guess that you're making a solid instead of a
    surface, where the top of the solid has some shape and the back of it is
    supposed to be flat. You could just make a big planar surface and do a
    "replace face" to replace the existing solid face with the truly planar
    surface. Don't do a cut, because material might need to be added as
    well as removed, which is what a replace face will do.

    Anyway, there are several ways you can create a truly planar face, but
    lofting and sweeping would be on the bottom of my list of most reliable
    techniques for that.

    Good luck,

    matt, Dec 9, 2005

  4. If it truly was an elliptical path, then there isn't any planar surface. The
    surface is curved perpendicular to its path everywhere along the path. If
    you sweep a straight line along a straight line, then you will get a planar
    surface and you can put a sketch on it.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 9, 2005
  5. Josh

    jmather Guest

    jmather, Dec 9, 2005
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