Not releasing licenses...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jon Rizzo, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. Jon Rizzo

    Jon Rizzo Guest

    Has anybody else here had a problem with FlexLM not releasing licenses?
    What I mean is that at any given time, 20-40% of our licenses are being held
    by FlexLM for several days after the user has exited out of AutoCAD.
    Restarting the license manager clears out all of the improperly held
    licenses, but a much better solution would be for the license manager to
    release licenses when it is supposed to. Does anybody know why this happens
    or how to prevent it? Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just us?

    Jon Rizzo
    Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.
    Jon Rizzo, Nov 22, 2004
  2. Jon,

    This is usually caused by ungraceful termination of the licensed product or
    a serious packet loss problem on a network. In either case it is best to
    fix the cause rather than the symptom when the numbers are as high as you
    describe them. The symptom can be helped by setting a timeout value. If
    you search the Autodesk
    Knowledge base for AutoCAD TIMEOUT document TS67304 should be listed at the
    top and should help you implement this
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Nov 23, 2004
  3. Jon Rizzo

    Jon Rizzo Guest

    If you can find a way to stop AutoCAD & it's verticals from "terminating
    ungracefully" I'm all ears. I've been trying for years. :)

    Thanks for the tip(s).

    Jon Rizzo, Nov 23, 2004
  4. My client have same problem with licenses that don't release:

    Users of 46600MAP_2005_0F: (Total of 4 licenses issued; Total of 4
    licenses in use)

    "46600MAP_2005_0F" v1.000, vendor: adskflex
    floating license

    Bogdan R-Rojc R-Rojc (v1.000) (s-iei/27000 721), start Wed 11/24 13:37
    Katarina r-katarina r-katarina (v1.000) (s-iei/27000 322), start Wed
    11/24 9:04
    POMOC R-pomoc2 R-pomoc2 (v1.000) (s-iei/27000 138), start Tue 11/23
    katarina r-katarina r-katarina (v1.000) (s-iei/27000 408), start Thu
    11/11 8:17

    What ways are to release licenses that are not in use, from the server.

    Is stop/start server only way? I sugessted to look under task
    manager/processes for acad.exe, but there was only one for computer

    Sa¹o ©libar

    SL-King d.o.o.
    Sa¹o ©libar, Nov 24, 2004
  5. Jon Rizzo

    Jon Rizzo Guest

    Stopping and starting the server works doesn't kick out existing
    users if you restart it immediately. I was more interested in a way to stop
    it from happening in the first place...

    Jon Rizzo, Dec 2, 2004
  6. Jon Rizzo

    mr_nick Guest

    I had a problem with this happening to me on a few of our servers. Over a period of weeks, the available licenses became less and less meaning we had to keep restarting the server. I then set the TIMEOUT feature to 15 minutes and when I did a reread - not a restart, and checked the debug log 7 licenses had instantly dropped back in - oddly enough all from the same user. Whether is was something to do with the way this user was shutting down AutoCAD or something I'm not sure, but since the TIMEOUT has been set, we've had no further issues with dwindling license counts.
    mr_nick, Dec 3, 2004
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