NOT purging layers

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by andy drafter, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. andy drafter

    Tom Smith Guest

    Note that this is exactly the same technique as inserting an empty file
    containing the desired layers, just a different interface for doing so. The
    only caveat is that if a layer is defined incorrectly in the current drawing
    (e.g. wrong color etc.) it won't be corrected/updated by this method.

    Having a button defined with a macro along the lines of "-insert mylayers
    0,0 1 1 0" should be considerably quicker than opening Design Center,
    browsing to the file, and manually dragging in the layers. If (like us) you
    don't normally use it, you may quickly grow weary of opening Design Center
    just for this one task. It takes a good bit more than a "split second" to
    open (seems more like an eternity when you're trying to get things done)
    which is why my users have a great resistance to using Design Center for
    anything that can be accomplished otherwise.

    You've gotten several different suggestions for doing exactly what you asked
    for: purging everything except layers. Purging them and then doing something
    else to put them back seems like outright extra work to me, not exactly "a
    lot easier." To each his own, I suppose.

    An ultra-simplistic (and not too elegant) button macro to do what you asked
    would be.

    -purge blocks * no -purge dimstyles * no -purge ltypes * no ... etc.

    In other words, run the purge command on everything but layers.

    Or, if you're going to do the two-step method, at least combine it on one

    -purge all * no -insert mylayers 0,0 1 1 0

    By all means try all suggestions and see what suits you the best.
    Tom Smith, Dec 8, 2004
  2. andy drafter

    San'dy Guest

    I have a drawing setup that contains nothing but the standard layers we use.
    Once a drawing is purged just insert that drawing and you will have all your
    layers back. I have a button to do it that takes only 1 click.
    You should not have to manually retype the layer names to get them back.
    San'dy, Dec 8, 2004
  3. andy drafter

    spectrefish Guest

    ADC for slow pokes eh?

    Sounds like a duel....... ;)

    Sunday.....High front of the Dam saloon(this is actually a pub close by here)

    We'll see who's quicker!

    Seriously each his own technique.
    spectrefish, Dec 8, 2004
  4. andy drafter

    Dave Jones Guest

    Dam saloon sounds good to we have to duel? :)
    Dave Jones, Dec 9, 2004
  5. andy drafter

    teiarch Guest

    Seems like Paul Turville's and San'dy's posts are the simplest to understand (Not sure you need the button, though).

    Another way to retain layers via inserting std template dwg would be to add the name of the layer in standard text style on each layer. Place the text where you can find it easily. Then, you're forced te erase the layer name before it will purge....
    teiarch, Dec 26, 2004
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