Not enough licenses causing variables to reset? help ACAD 2002/ LD3

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bob, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. Bob

    Bob Guest

    When my company has the maximum number of users on the network we get
    the usual message stating that a license could no be attained.....

    My frustration is that when this happens, many variables are reset on
    the machine that tried to access the license.

    maxsort is set to 200
    textfill is set to 0
    mbuttonpan is set to 0
    autosave is set to 120 minutes
    saveas is set to autocad 2000
    the dictionary and text editor are unchecked
    pickbox is reset
    grips is reset

    I am not sure what else is reset, but I can't figure out how to keep
    this from happening.
    Bob, Apr 22, 2004
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