normal cut on cylindrical thin wall (NOT sheet metal)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ken, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. Ken

    Ken Guest

    I am trying to make a cut on a cylindrical thin wall such that the cut
    surface is normal to the cylindrical surface.

    The shape of the cut is from a wrapped elipse on the cylindrical

    I cannot figure out a way to do this. Anyone know how??
    Ken, Oct 30, 2005
  2. Ken

    Zander Guest

    Off the top of my hide - try this.

    Assuming you used the scribe option of the wrap feature.

    Use the face inside your wrapped ellipse profile to create a surface
    (using offset surface at 0.00). Then insert feature - cut - thicken
    with surface and this will create a normal cut.

    Otherwise, as you mentioned, make your part as sheet metal and cut
    through with normal cut checked, although sometimes this will fail - at
    least it will warn you when it does.
    Zander, Oct 30, 2005
  3. Ken

    Ken Guest

    thanks, that is the ticket.

    I found and used a slightly different, (longer) way by offsetting
    surfaces on either side of the cyclidrical wall and built a lofted
    surface from the edges of those surface and made a surface cut with
    that surface. Your way is cleaner and I will change it to that.
    Ken, Oct 30, 2005
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