Noob needs help. - mapping a sketch to a hemisphere..

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by scott.gilchrist, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    Im not sure my terminology is correct, but will try and describe what
    I need to do as best as possible.

    I have a hollowed hemisphere, with a wall thickness of 10mm, I wish
    to cut a pattern through the face of this, but I need the edges of the
    pattern that will form the cut to be at an angle (coinciding with the
    centre of the hemisphere) rather than vertical. Is there a way to map a
    sketch to the surface of my hemisphere, so I can just cut-extrude my
    pattern through the hemisphere?

    scott.gilchrist, Jul 24, 2006
  2. scott.gilchrist

    matt Guest

    You might be tempted to use the Wrap command, which will do what you
    ask, but only on cylindrical and conical surfaces.

    You're probably limited to a projected curve, split line or trim, all of
    which do a straight projection rather than a wrap. Here's one thing I'd
    try to get a radial cut:

    - make an offset surface of the outside of the hemisphere at 0 distance
    - use your sketch to trim the offset surface
    - insert, cut, thicken

    There are a lot of possible problems, but that's one place to start.
    matt, Jul 24, 2006
  3. scott.gilchrist

    rlj4794 Guest

    I would take the following steps:

    1) Draw a 3d sketch from the origin of your sphere to the point you
    want to be the center of your cut profile.
    2) Make a plane at the endpoint of that line using the "normal to
    curve" option.
    3) Sketch your cut profile on your new plane
    4) Make a sketch of a single point at the origin and create a cut loft
    from your previous sketch to this point..

    This should work for most simple profiles.
    rlj4794, Jul 24, 2006
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