noncoplanar situation

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by minerva nine, Oct 30, 2004.

  1. minerva nine

    minerva nine Guest

    Greetings --

    I'm using AutocadLT98. Sometimes I get problems with the lines
    or objects being non-coplanar. Why does this happen and how can
    I fix it? It doesn't make any sense that I draw one line on the
    XY plane and then draw another on the same plane, but they end
    up different places on the Z coordinate. Is there a way to
    flatten a drawing that has a bunch of non-coplanar lines and


    minerva nine, Oct 30, 2004
  2. Did someone with full Acad/Icad work on the file before you?
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 30, 2004
  3. minerva nine

    Reini Urban Guest

    [2.10] How to set objects to Zero Elevation? FLATTEN.LSP
    Reini Urban, Dec 11, 2004
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