Non zero elevation, some entities?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Fatfreek, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Fatfreek

    Fatfreek Guest

    I never use 3d, never knowingly specify a Z value, accepting that all will
    be created at 0.0 elevation. However I just discovered a problem that I
    believe is sourced to this non zero elevation with some closed polylines as
    I hatch (command "_.hatch" ...) them under program control (they hatch
    normally when done manually).
    Take this one drawing example. It has three entities, all closed LWpolys.
    The largest one is a simple rectangle that surrounds a smaller hollow letter
    M, and that, in turn, surrounds a smaller poly shaped like the letter D.
    Under program control the hatch command competely ignores the letter M as
    the island and ceases the hatching at the innermost D shape.
    Before I suspected different elevation of these three entities I used the
    Boundary command workaround. After that command created three new entities
    I erased the older three and was surprised that hatching proceeded normally.
    Today I was determined to learn why so I checked entity properties,
    comparing the new polys with the old ones. There is where I found two of
    the old ones at non zero elevation. The Boundary command apparently does
    its creation at 0.0 elevation.
    Unless I get a suggestion otherwise, I will probably embed a code snippet to
    sniff the elevation of each entity prior to hatching, change those that are
    non zero, and proceed.
    My question, however, is why? What could I possibly be doing that
    inadvertently places closed polylines onto a non zero elevation? It's not
    much, some 0.0006917 in this case.

    Len Miller
    Fatfreek, Nov 18, 2004
  2. Fatfreek

    kemp Guest

    Normally when I have issues such as this the problems turns out to be an
    outside source such as civil engineering files. If you are incorporating
    work from anyone else in your drawings this may be the cause.

    kemp, Nov 18, 2004
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