non-horizontal plot

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tader, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. tader

    tader Guest

    hi, is there anyway to plot a border that isn't horizontal other than using the UCS? ie. if my border was diagonal to accommodate my linework.
    TIA, Shawn.
    tader, Jul 1, 2004
  2. tader

    Chip Harper Guest

    Instead of rotating your Border around your linework ... why don't you
    rotate the linework around inside the border ... you are using paperspace
    Chip Harper, Jul 1, 2004

    ;DVTP = dview twist with user pick 2 endpoints for rotation
    (defun C:DVTP (/ P1 P2)
    (setq P1 (getpoint "\nPick 1st End Point for DVIEW TWIST ? "))
    (if P1 (setq P2 (getpoint P1 "\nPick 2nd End Point for DVIEW TWIST ? ")))
    (if (and P1 P2)
    (command "_DVIEW" "" "TW" (- 360.0 (* (angle P1 P2) (/ 180 pi))) "")

    using the UCS? ie. if my border was diagonal to accommodate my linework.
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Jul 1, 2004
  4. tader

    tader Guest

    That's cool Alan, thnx. To answer the previous question, "why not rotate the linework" , because the drawing may be on a UCS or is coordinate relative, there may be frozen layers, lots of line work. Stuff like that. That dview is pretty neat, I don't think I've ever used it.

    Thnx alot for suggestions and info.
    tader, Jul 1, 2004
  5. tader

    Chip Harper Guest

    Dview is one method of rotating the linework within the border. Rephrasing
    ..... rotate the view of the linework within the border instead of rotating
    the border. :)
    Chip Harper, Jul 1, 2004
  6. tader

    T.Willey Guest

    You can just change your ucs, so that you lines are parallel to it. Then use the "plan" command and set it to your current ucs. I do that all the time when I draw exterior elevations fo a building.

    T.Willey, Jul 1, 2004
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