noiseSummary in OCEAN

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by phil, May 16, 2006.

  1. phil

    phil Guest

    How do I get access to the results of the data in noiseSummary so I can
    manipulate it in OCEAN???

    If I do something like:

    analysis('noise ?start 1k ?stop 100k ?iprobe "/Vin" ?oprobe "/R0" ?save
    "all" )

    noiseSummary( 'spot ?resultsDir
    "/simulation/phil/pga_try/spectre/schematic" ?result 'noise ?frequency
    50k ?truncateType 'top ?truncateData 8 ?output ofp ?noiseUnit "V"
    ?deviceType 'all ?percentDecimals 1)

    in OCEAN - the results are *printed* out to my output file (ofp).

    BUT I want to manipulate the data - e.g I want to assign the input
    referred noise to a variable ???

    phil, May 16, 2006
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