Noise models in BSIM3 and BSIM4

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by mayank, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. mayank

    mayank Guest

    I have a noise measurement setup that extracts the BSIM3 flicker noise
    parameters, noia, noib, noic.
    But most of the modeling work that I do is in BSIM4, which also uses
    the same noise parameters noia, noib and noic, but using slightly
    different equations.
    Fact of the matter is that the parameters between the two models are
    different by orders of magnitude!!!
    Would any one know if there are transforms to go from BSIM3v3.3 to
    BSIM4.4.0? Atleast to the first order such that there is a slight
    chance of noise modeling.
    Thanks a lot of all you comments,

    mayank, Oct 14, 2005
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