No wireframe in SolidWorks Viewer

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sporkman, May 3, 2004.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    I don't know whether Solidworks Corp removed the Viewer's capability to
    show models in wireframe only or whether it was never there, but it
    seems that the Viewer lacks this capability. I have a client who wants
    to create his own wireframe views and annotate them for a patent
    application and I don't know how to give him that capability. eDrawings
    only creates very crude wireframe views . . . not quality enough for
    patent drawings. Anybody have a suggestion?

    TIA, 'Sporky'
    Sporkman, May 3, 2004
  2. Sporkman

    MM Guest


    Have you tried saving the file with fast HLR-HLV (the little box with the
    lightning bolt) on. I think this saves a tesselated wireframe for the viewer
    to read.


    MM, May 3, 2004
  3. Sporky,

    I test a simple part drawing created with SW2004 SP3.0, with the views set
    to wireframe. I was able to display the drawing successfully in the
    SolidWorks Viewer SP2.1 version. Didn't try any later or earlier versions.

    John Picinich, May 3, 2004
  4. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Thanks John and also Mark Mossberg. I've saved as wireframe and I'm
    sending the design that way now -- should have thought of that. The
    Viewer is just SO limited!! Can't even explode/collapse, much less view
    configurations. What a next-to-useless application!! eDrawings is
    better by far, except (again) the wireframe is such poor quality with

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, May 3, 2004
  5. Thanks John and also Mark Mossberg. I've saved as wireframe and I'm
    Hi Sporkman.

    I personally would vote for them to merge these two applications into
    one, taking the best from both. I commonly find that when I'm using
    this one, I wish for functionality of the other and so on.

    I wonder if there is a compelling reason why this would not work. I'm
    sure some programmer somehere is rolling his eyes and saying "man, he
    just does not get it, does he?" . . .

    The configs thing would be at the top of my list for both packages as

    One thing I absolutely love is e-drawings is the model view conrol in
    the tree - hide others, transparency control and how the models are
    show & hidden, and so on. In my mind SolidWorks itself would be so
    much nicer if this were implemented in the editor. I find myself
    whishing for solidworks to be a good a e-drawings viewer in this
    regard - now that's a scary thought.


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 4, 2004
  6. Sporkman

    kenneth b Guest

    imho, viewer prints slddrw's with higher quality (fonts & lineweights). i
    like edrawings, but this lack of print quality has always been a pet peeve
    of mine.
    kenneth b, May 4, 2004
  7. Sporkman

    Art Woodbury Guest


    Have you looked at ModelPress Publisher/Viewer for customer
    communications? The price is right-- $0

    I use it frequently for design reviews. It's much more capable than SW

    Art W.
    Art Woodbury, May 4, 2004
  8. Sporkman

    MM Guest


    Yea, it's a good product. Small files and you can acually measure them !!!

    Not really free though. The publisher has a two week time limit. A license
    for the publisher is $600.00.

    The viewer is free, but if you want to actually use it, it'll cost ya.


    MM, May 4, 2004
  9. Sporkman

    Art Woodbury Guest


    I haven't used the publisher for a few weeks and tried it today. It
    warned that the license for version 4.0 had expired, so I went to the
    Web site and downloaded the latest version (4.1). I uninstalled the old
    version and installed the new one without any problems.

    The Web site really does say the product is free for corporate and
    personal use. There is a license fee to bundle the software with another
    product. See:

    I've heard a comment somewhere that the forced renewal is just to keep
    users on the latest release. Anyway, I'm still using the product, and
    haven't had to part with $600.

    Art W.
    Art Woodbury, May 4, 2004
  10. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Wow, that's news to me also, Art. I had the Publisher app loaded a
    while back and liked it pretty well, but the license did time out on
    me. After that I just uninstalled it and never tried it again. Thanks
    for mentioning it.

    Sporkman, May 5, 2004
  11. Sporkman

    kevin Guest

    Hi All,

    Art W is right on. Modelpress is free and does require updating
    (every six to eight months) to the latest (free) version. More info:

    Thanks, Informative Graphics Corp.
    kevin, May 19, 2004
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