no need to check and save in analog artist (restoring the ic442 behavior)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Andrew Beckett, May 5, 2005.

  1. I'm not going to comment on the code - it's a bit of a hack, and I'd probably
    do it by changing the menu items to do the check first, and then calling the
    normal netlist and run function, instead of hacking the flowchart... (I think
    I've suggested that before in this forum).

    It didn't change between IC442 and IC443. What happened was that it is
    different between spectreS and the spectre interface (which was introduced in
    IC443). When you ran a simulation, it used to spend more time traversing the
    hierarchy to find any cellViews that needed checking, and then doing that
    checking, than it did doing the netlisting. In large, hierarchical designs,
    this could be significant overhead when most of the time the checking had been
    done. So now with the spectre interface, it just tells you if something is out
    of date when it tries to netlist it.

    One of the big efforts of the new (in IC443) spectre direct interface was to
    streamline the whole process, to make getting to the start of the simulation
    as fast as possible. Cutting out cdsSpice, using true incremental netlisting,
    avoiding traversing the hierarchy to check if it needed checking (which adds
    another hierarchy traversal) all added to this improvement.

    Note that in the spectreS interface it did a check of any cellView down the
    hierarchy. Also, it didn't save it - as yours is doing.


    Andrew Beckett, May 5, 2005
  2. Andrew Beckett

    fogh Guest

    Hi All,

    This is a first draft. It behaves not exactly like ic442, because it
    saves the cellview. Thanks in advance for posting any improvement.

    Criticism is welcome too. BTW, what motivated this change between
    ic442 and ic443 ?


    supress the need to check&save before simulations.

    let( (tool flowchart)

    flowchart = asiGetFlowchart( tool )

    procedure( CmAsiCNS(session)
    let( ( (cv session->data->cellView) status )
    cv->mode != "r" || dbReopen( cv "a" )


    fogh, May 5, 2005
  3. Well, hacking around with the flowchart is dangerous, in that it might break
    in future versions - I would be wary of doing.

    If you change the menus file, you can change both the icon and the menu item,
    so that's why I suggested it.
    CDF is a bit of a complicated problem. Even if we'd provided callbacks at the
    DB level for DB properties, there would still be a fundamental problem - such
    a scenario would prevent the use of inherited parameters, since callbacks
    would get triggered whenever the property changes. So, there's no way that
    an instance within a block which has different values of an inherited
    parameter could fire a callback. I suppose it would need some kind of concept
    of a variant (a bit like a pcell) for this to work, and even then, any
    callbacks would have to be triggered down through the hierarchy (which could
    get very expensive).

    Anyway, that's a whole different kettle of fish!
    Personally I think it's a good habit to get into, as lots of things depend on
    the schematic being checked. It's only one key press, so it's not exactly a
    big amount of effort to check it...

    Andrew Beckett, May 17, 2005
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