No MPP template

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Michael Förtsch, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. Hallo NG,

    on a Solaris workstation with Cadence, I have a problem
    with creating multipart paths. As I know from another workstation (with
    Cadence and the same technology files), the MPP templates
    nguard, pguard, and nguardw should be predefined. But in the selection
    menu "MMP Template" of the "Create Multipart Path" window only "New"
    exists. I saved a template file on the workstation with Cadence 5.0.32
    and tried to load this template file on the wortkstation with Cadence
    4.4.6. The result was a Segmentation Fault, the last message in CDS.log was:
    Template "nguard" is replacing an existing template by the same name.

    Has someone a hint how I can solve this problem?

    Michael Förtsch, Jun 16, 2005
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