No action icons

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. SW2005 SP0.1 Win XPPro

    Every once in a while (actually 2 times already this morning) I find that
    clicking on either the New icon or the File Open icon doesn't work. The
    icon changes to indicate the focus & the click, but then when released,
    there's no dialog box. Click the icon again - same thing. Close SW & all
    is well. This morning I did notice that somehow my SW window was not
    maximized, and when I moved it, the icons worked again. However, I couldn't
    make them not work again.

    A strange anomaly indeed - anyone else notice this?

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 2, 2004
  2. This is really beginning to bug me. I have checked with others here and am
    finding that I am the only one that has noticed this. I have determined
    that it happens after SW2005 has been open and not used for roughly 11
    minutes. Any operation that requires the File/Open dialog box will not
    work. Doesn't matter where the request comes from inside SW, it just sits
    there. The only other thing I have noticed is that if I go to Tools/
    Options, I get a error message that says: An unsupported operation was
    attempted. Clicking the OK then does bring up the dialog, but with a
    strange twist - the RH lower corner doesn't exist. No buttons to push and
    when I attempt to move the box, all that happens is the LH top corner
    moves - the lower RH corner is still "off screen" somewhere. The only way
    out is Esc.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 6, 2004
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I just got a new PC and at the same time we added a second seat of SW on, an
    also brand new, identical system. We are running SW2004 and are stuck on
    SP0.0 due to the WinXP SP2 issue.

    Both seats are having a very similar problem to you. About 50-75% of the
    time, when we click either the "New" button or either of the "Make
    drawing/assembly from part" buttons, or any other command that requires the
    select document template dialog to pop up, it will appear to freeze. The
    button looks depressed but there is nothing else you can do. If we wait for
    a while (20-40 seconds), the dialog will eventually pop up and everything
    will be fine again.

    One thing that I setup differently on this system compared to any of my
    previous systems was that I don't use mapped drives anymore for my document
    templates and other file locations which are located on the server. Instead
    I use simple network locations which in theory is the better way to go.

    I can't determine if this is a problem with the new systems (network over
    mapped drive settings) or if this is a SP0.0 problem, but it is new since
    upgrading the systems and having to drop back to SP0.0. When SW SP5.0 comes
    out, it will eliminate one of the 2 variables that I can think of as the
    problem. I'll let you know.

    In the mean time, try just sitting for a minute or two to see if yours acts
    as ours does.
    Seth Renigar, Dec 7, 2004
  4. Mine really is different on a couple accounts. First, it's only an issue
    with SW2005 - 2004 works fine. Second, my button doesn't stay pushed - it
    reacts to the click quite normally, it's just as if something kills the
    File/Open dialog box.

    I am on the track this morning to hunt it down. I have been progressively
    loading more stuff and I'll see what breaks it. I'll let you know.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 7, 2004
  5. I see that I never did update the group on this one - I did resolve the
    issue. The short version is that I updated to XP SP2. But, I think the
    real fix was that I replaced a system file that had become corrupted because
    the diagnosis for the SP installation said I had some bad files and asked if
    I wanted them fixed? You bet!

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 15, 2005
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