
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stefano Zanella, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. Hi All,

    Long time no see. have spent a lot of time on the cadence
    documentation with no luck. There is a missing link that I can not find.
    I am trying to determine the model name of an instance that will be
    netlisted. I am not writing a netlister, simply trying to determine the
    model name that will be netlisted with a skill procedure. So, if there
    is a completely different way that solves my problem I will be equally
    happy. Here is what I am doing:

    session = asiGetCurrentSession()

    So far so good. According to the documentation, the call is

    nlGetModelName( o_instance )
    => t_modelName

    unfortunately, I know of no functions that return o_instance. I can't
    use the db functions because they return d_instance and nlGetModelName
    complains about it. I am kinda stuck here. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance,
    Stefano Zanella, Apr 25, 2006
  2. Different approach , but how about that?

    g_cdfId = cdfGetInstCDF( d_instId )
    cdfFindParamByName( g_cdfId "model" )~>model

    Bernd Fischer, Apr 25, 2006
  3. Sorry should be 'value'!

    g_cdfId = cdfGetInstCDF( d_instId )
    cdfFindParamByName( g_cdfId "model" )~>value

    Bernd Fischer, Apr 25, 2006
  4. Hi Bernd,

    Thanks a lot for your help. Unfortunately it will not work 100% of
    the times. One can write CDFs that netlist with something that is not
    the content of the model field, which is why I am trying to use the
    netlister functions. Example: I could have a resistor R with "res" that
    actually netlists with "abc" as model.

    Take care,
    Stefano Zanella, Apr 25, 2006
  5. Hi,

    Yes I intend to use nlGetModelName only after netlisting (so all
    structures are correctly initialized, etc.). I tried
    nlGetCurrentInstance on my design and got nil as answer. Sourcelink
    knows nothing about nlGetCurrentInstance...

    Stefano Zanella, Apr 26, 2006
  6. Hi Stefano,

    These functions can only be used within netlist procedures, called by the
    netlister, so I think you're heading down the wrong road with the nl functions.

    You might be able to use some of the "alm" functions to find this out - or
    probably just look in the CDF...

    (I'm off the network at the moment, and don't have time to look it up).


    Andrew Beckett
    Principal European Technology Leader
    Cadence Design Systems, UK.
    Andrew Beckett, Apr 27, 2006
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