I just thought this might be useful... I hate the task of going through lisps and making a list of the variables, then adding them after the / in the defun. So I got a seat of LispLink from [URL]http://www.caelink.com/lisplink.htm[/URL] No I do not work for them. They have a super feature where you highlight the function name and pick a button. It brings up a dialog with a list of the vars, you choose which ones to add to the loaclized list (i.e. after the / in the defun) It adds them and the task is done. Super slick. So the fast way to use this is to open LispLink and open a blank file and save it. Then when you bring up the prog, it brings up that blank lisp. You paste in your code and run the localizer. Then copy the code back to the vlisp editor or wherever. Its worth the or whatever the price is. Curiuos to see if others have slicker tools for this. James Maeding Civil Engineer/Programmer