newer file version in older solidworks?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by smity, May 30, 2007.

  1. smity

    smity Guest

    hello, can anybody help me, I have file created in Solidworks 2006 and I
    need to open it in Solidworks 2003, is that impossible and how i can do

    thank you very much!
    smity, May 30, 2007
  2. smity

    TEngle Guest

    As John stated, no CAD application can open a future version of a

    The only option is to save the newer file as a ParaSolid, Step, Iges,

    Todd Engle
    TEngle, May 30, 2007
  3. smity

    Jean Marc Guest

    .... And (in _SW_), you can save as any older version of parasolid, dxf, dwg,
    acis, ....
    .... But not an older version of _SW_

    (I know, subject beaten to death...)
    Jean Marc, May 31, 2007
  4. smity

    TOP Guest

    Actually there once was a 3D parametric CAD package that could open an
    older version. It was called Pro/Engineer. When Pro/E had text based
    part files it was possible to do a simple edit of the file and be
    reasonably certain that it could be opened in an older version.

    This changed when SW started making inroads in sales and began trying
    to translate Pro/E files. Parametric then encrypted their data and
    that was the end of that for a while.

    Pro/E also generates what are called trail files which record the
    steps to create a part. SW did that too in it's very first release
    back in 1995. Now, if you look at the journal file and try to
    reproduce what you did, 99% of the time you cannot reproduce what you
    are supposedly journalling. You have to ask why create a journal file
    for every SW file when you can't make a whole lot of use for it. In my
    thinking a journal file should be recording everything necessary to
    reproduce whatever model it is journalling.

    So you could say SW is the industry leader in prevention of backward
    compatibility. A couple years ago at SWW they announced that they
    would be providing backward compatibility at least one or two releases
    back. That quickly was forgotten.


    P.S. SW has been a leader in forcing upgrades. At one employer where I
    brought in SW, it forced the entire company to upgrade Excel because
    SW required the latest and greatest. That was the only reason they had
    for doing this upgrade and it has heppened more than once that SW has
    forced upgrades of either Office or the OS. It is coming again with
    TOP, May 31, 2007
  5. smity

    zxys Guest

    I'll confirm this with glee! I did this on many projects where we
    were working with 2 and sometimes 3 different versions of Pro/e!!
    We did batch conversions of the header and I don't recall any problem
    doing it! It was lifesaver at times when another group had not
    upgraded or were not willing to upgrade or stopped upgrading!!! It
    was a benefit which will be forever lost!!!!!
    It was also kewl to just open the file and directly edit the values or
    notes without having to open them in Pro/e!

    Those days are pretty much gone and I'm sure some people welcome the M
    $ way of life,... we are all becoming slaves too the system!!!

    Oh, joy..... (sorry but it's true!)
    zxys, May 31, 2007
  6. smity

    zxys Guest

    I'll confirm this with glee! I did this on many projects where we
    were working with 2 and sometimes 3 different versions of Pro/e!!
    We did batch conversions of the header and I don't recall any problem
    doing it! It was lifesaver at times when another group had not
    upgraded or were not willing to upgrade or stopped upgrading!!! It
    was a benefit which will be forever lost!!!!!
    It was also kewl to just open the file and directly edit the values or
    notes without having to open them in Pro/e!

    Those days are pretty much gone and I'm sure some people welcome the M
    $ way of life,... we are all becoming slaves too the system!!!

    Oh, joy..... (sorry but it's true!)
    zxys, May 31, 2007
  7. smity

    TOP Guest


    You are stuttering.

    TOP, May 31, 2007
  8. smity

    zxys Guest

    It's this POS google newsreader interface (my newsreader is not
    working),... it sad it failed to send.... so, I hit send again!?

    Oh, joy,... another poorly written interface (job security, #1)... or,
    user error?

    zxys, May 31, 2007
  9. smity

    Jason Guest

    Curious Paul, what happened when the newer version of the file
    contained features not in the older version.

    I'd be happy enough if you could "save as", select a version and have
    it save a dumb solid. That would save some steps and knowing which
    parasolid version ot save to. Also match the face IDs so mates and
    references to the geometry are maintained.
    Jason, May 31, 2007
  10. smity

    zxys Guest

    I don't recall having a problem with any features but it could very
    well be that we/I were lucky and did not stumble on version

    I agree, a simple save as or save project too a earlier version would
    be great! Adding mates to the assembly would be wonderful!!

    The thing which has always annoyed me with SW Corp on this issue,..
    since this is big request, is,.. they have made NO effort in doing

    What does that say about SW Corp? A clear linear approach to their
    business model,.... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for their

    It's main focus has never been about what the users really need/
    want.... it's about what the other guys have which they can capitalize
    on and how they can keep you upgrading (basically playing the margins
    (what's acceptable) on wow factors (which wear off) and

    An area of concern for anyone serious and aware ...... Productivity,
    Performance and Cost and of course sharing data with other legacy
    users, our clients and our clients needs (who pays us?)!

    ... (never mind,... move on, nothing to see here...)
    zxys, May 31, 2007
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